
won't somebody please think of the developers???

its interesting that they would boot someone from the platform rather than block all social features. I guess I understand kicking someone from multi-player if they are griefing, but talking shit and being a prick should just get you muted, fully. social features being disabled in and out of games would curb a lot of


are you being obtuse on purpose?

because you shouldn’t speculate about people’s lives, regardless of how public they are. it’s especially gross to speculate about people's sex lives.


tl;dr: swifties are fucking nuts, and anyone obsessing over someone’s sexuality is usually doing so out of self interest.

wow, this song fucking sucks.

15 bucks a pop, and you can only equip them to avatars.

to be fair, that's Joe's take on himself.

if God is real Kai, why did he punish your charity?

read the fucking article.

you're about 25 years behind

i wonder if she has kids of her own?

ive lost my appetite for the next week

I’ll bet my foot she has snitched

the killer instinct remake had very similar features as well, I think there was an article on kotalu about a blind player playing in a KI tournament as well.

uh yeah, his career has been over for 20 years

if you stand by and allow your partner to murder someone, you're party to that murder.

Garner is giving off big “SHE’S NOT FOLLOWING THE RULES” vibes.