
I’m single, I cannot make the whole pack for one meal. And they don’t make smaller packs. So, when people like me open a pack up, the clock starts ticking “shit, do i have to make breakfast bacon the next 4 days to finish this pack before it goes bad?” It’s not fun, and bacon will end up in the garbage.

This shit is so tied into the moral/ethical perceptions of virtually everyone on the planet.

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

OK so I’m super old, but does anyone else remember Martika? She went from being cute on Kids Incorporated and then came out with Toy Soldiers, a song about heroin addiction. I still love that song. Maybe not so much“naughty” but she certainly went from light to dark.

I’m with you! I don’t know what everyone’s complaining about. I love beautiful people and illicit sex. Throw in a few exquisite flower arrangements and I’m swooning.

Now playing

I’m even more fascinated that Tairy Greene is in this. I thought he was only taking dance-related roles and focusing more on teaching.

Blue Apron is definitely better than HelloFresh and HomeChef. BlueApron uses better ingredients, has more flavor, and has me cooking stuff that is more outside my personal comfort zone (sauces, cooking methods, ingredients etc.).

I wouldn’t say that these meal services are for people who want “to pretend they’re good

Trump: “So I heard this one story, and it now applies to all 11 million immigrants!”

What’s a lib fem handmaiden?

That was your takeaway from this article? That we’re saying too many mean things about slaveholders?

Supreme and unwarranted confidence and a lack of self-awareness... those traits sound so familiar. Do you work in the WH?

Holy fuck do the people who tighten the straps on your jacket before they tuck you in know where you are?

planning to expand the country’s economy... into tourism

But Regina King and Regina Hall are two different people so...

Regina King is a national treasure. However, this movie stars Regina Hall.

Problematic is his niche, fella.


grilled cheese with pickle slices? that one is a little safe though but some people are grossed out by it

starred for the strong but out-of-left-field slam on pie.