
Perfect soundtrack, for sure!

Great list, thanks!

I'll be checking out "Upstream Color" very soon, the only on the list i haven't seen, and i also enjoyed "Primer".

As for me, "Cast Away" is definitely on my list for nearly perfect movies.

Looks good and very much like WipEout, but the way the vehicle moves seems a bit off. That bit reminds me of SkyRoads.

I like everything about this.

There are many frames of animation that will protect ryu from explosions. Of course, timing is everything.

So i guess i'm the only one who is thankful for this. I for one will appreciate the tried and true game mechanics, recognizable (yet sharper) asthetic, deeper meta game, and hopefully more modern UI, rather than a "reinvention of the genre" as is so popular these days. We all know how well that usually turns out...

Now playing

Hi Luke. I've been following your soundtrack posts for a while and it would seem that we have somewhat similar tastes. I stumbled upon these guys recently and thought you might enjoy 'em too, assuming you haven't had the pleasure already. Cheers, and thanks!

If the game itself is good enough, these types of ideals can keep me coming back to a game for years to come, rather than beating it and uninstalling after a week. Adds tension, meaning, and mystery, something most contemporary games sorely miss. Pretty flawless p2p multiplayer framework for fighting games that has a tried and true track record, including Street Fighter vs Marvel on Xbox360. They should consult with / buy tech from the guys (again?).


I believe she's a female version of Travis Touchdown, from the No More Heroes video game series.

I hope you're referring only to the characters themselves. The game was fairly unique, polished, varied, challenging, looked great and most importantly, great fun!

Check out 1:38.

"It was us that torched the sky" -Morpheus

I have a feeling some of these were inspired by Chris Cunningham, who also did previous PS2 ads.