
A friend bought the Collector’s but didn’t buy a Switch yet.

What, you think BF1 was made in a week? Don’t think for a second that they don’t both know what the other guy is doing.

How fucking boring that looked. Like christ it’s basically a prettier looking Medal of Honor: Frontline with even less content than earlier titles like CoD 2 and 3.

It really depends on who you are. Some of us have been putting up with this bullshit for a hell of a long longer than you’d think. I, as a trans woman, never ever ever turn on voice chat because of the sheer amount of hate and constant verbal abuse I get.

Modern Warfare? CoD4 was one of the few games I’ve spent any significant time playing online, and while I don’t remember too much abuse (on the relatively quiet PS3 version), you’d regularly get some moron putting their mic by a speaker to play music into it. I found being bombarded with unwanted loud music of a truly

This kind of shit is why I immediately mute every single human being on voice chat in any online multiplayer game.

“I also know there are many people who fly the flag in their yards or have a symbol on their truck and it’s not a racist symbol to them, it’s about their Southern heritage.”

This. Herbs are fantastic to grow in the kitchen.

And without either of those, the world would still continue as it were without giving Playstation something else to splinter-off resources to a soon-to-be-dead device.

There are a couple of angles you could go through. THere’s a lot of shit involving monsters and people fighting, and learning that monsters are just sentient beings with their own issues.

How about: get a bird feeder, and take time to observe the wildlife on your porch! Plant a garden, even if it is just a window box in your kitchen.

Sakura. Nakameguro, Tokyo, Japan. By Aaron Baggett.

For real, Megyn “Ultimate White Feminist + Santa Is Just White” Kelly is a garbage person but I’m glad she complained. No one deserves sexual harassment.

Like solving environmental puzzles.

Does this mean we might finally get Grey force users in the mainline films?

This is one of the many (purely logistical) reasons that user reviews in general don’t really “work” like they’re supposed to. It’s impossible for anyone to judge a game purely objectively to begin with, but that’s especially the case of anyone who has preconceived notions of what the game is “supposed” to be. It’s

Kotaku has a “no junket” policy and does not accept travel from the people we cover. When we go to publisher/developer events, we pay for our own flights and accommodations.

i cant wait to open my 29 booster packs

This is so awesome, I love when they use real locations, especially considering I was born and lived in Shibuya-ku for 17 years, that’s basically my backyard. I lived in Omotesando, which is between Shibuya and Aoyama, both locations in the game. And I used to go past Sangenjaya on my way to school.

As a man, I prefer the woman's perfect body, from the woman's perspective. It's definetly the more attractive of the two; the other looks plastic.