
Ghandi and MLK have nothing to with black peole getting shot in Charlotte in 2016.

Why wait? Watch Back to the Future II. Biff of the future is rich, obnoxious asshole who runs casinos and ruins the country.

Exactly the point. My whole statement is that the charger will follow that girl throughout the house, and it won’t just sit on your nightstand.

“It’s a lot like Jack Nicholson in the Departed, right? Do a really half-assed job for a lot of money and let the kids do the heavy lifting.”

Carson Wentz is the greatest athlete I’ve ever seen, and it’s decades of Philly dominance in front of us.

Upon further research, my facts might be off.

I know who he is! He’s Matt Asiata--it’s a wonderful phrase! He’s Matt Asiata--ain’t no passing craze! He means no worries, for the rest of your days...he’s our fumble-free philosophy, he’s Matt Asiata!

Trainer: What’s your name?

I’ll tell you what I don’t want to eat after sex...

Pretty disrespectful of Kaepernick, especially after Santa Clara PD worked so hard to keep Ray McDonald and Aldon Smith from facing charges.

And these are probably the same people who complain on Facebook about the scourge of academic “safe spaces” and the “pussification” of today’s youth.

It's a good thing people this sensitive have blanket license to harass and murder the people complaining about this very fact.

This will also be my face when Finebaum is suspended from his show for a week, and his listeners go on Twitter to complain about his First Amendment rights being violated by big government...

To quote Bomani Jones:

+1 . They’re actively trying to get intelligent fans out of the “game” - err entertainment product.

How many times do they have to tell you they don’t start serving lunch until 10:15? Your fault at this point imo

When the lightskinned brothers start attacking each other, we’ve truly lost all hope. We were supposed to be a team!

The Derrick Rose of the NFL.

Take note, no matter the size of the wall, it doesn’t keep inventive Spanish-speakers from reaching their goal.

I’m inclined to believe you based on how long you’ve been commenting here.