
Haha, I considered posting this video, but it’s just so fucking absurd. I love it, though.

Shameless plug

only the most annoying and unoriginal people still say "doe" like that.

It’d also be great for Bungie to have some serious competition in the genre to spur them to bigger and better. Maybe Borderlands 3, whenever that gets announced.

Here, let me help you:

Yeah, this is something I have noticed. Also, turning chat off helps things a lot.

This guy is so far down the bottom of the barrel, you should only ever meet him once or twice. If you’re even trying. Like... even half trying to be “competitive”.

If you’re constantly playing with him...

Well then... you just might be Hanjo too.

Embrace your being, bro.

Some people play on competitive because the average player on competitive is better, so it’s more fun., I play on competitive for fun, not to win, I don’t care if I win or lose. Non-competitive is far too easy and bullshitty.

He’s Hanjo.

I played XI for almost 10 years. I made so many good friends and memories and I will never forget that. I met my husband through XI, and this will be our 6th anniversary this month. I couldn’t be happier.
I met players from all over the world in XI, and since the servers are cross-language, it was incredibly fun to

FFXI was the first game to cause me to break down and cry tears of pure joy. When I first started playing as a Red Mage I was going through Gustav (sp?) Tunnel, mostly because I was clueless, and I saw this guy soloing a giant scorpion. I watched them battle for almost an hour before he finally beat it. I thought it

Now playing

That Dark soul one made me laugh so hard. Then I watched this other video made by the same guy and I cried. (This is not an overstatment.)

I think Nintendo saw this picture and decided to run with the idea.....

She’s got a face mask variant, two Mad Max outfits, and two that are like the Origin skins.

But you get an extra band.

But you get an extra band.

Isn’t this the point of the game? Go to real-life locations, find some pokemon or trainer, fight them, and the winner gets the loser’s pokemon and wallet? I mean, that’s how I’ve been playing. I nailed an 8 year old in the knee with a tire iron for a sweet Jigglypuff and some pogs.

Wait....they finally make a Warlock figure, but none of the variations wear a Heart of the Praxic Fire?

I love destroying rip-tires, When I hear them I look for them!

The biggest mistake Blizzard made with Reaper was giving away the pre-order gift skin as a bearded dude in a beanie. Now all the Reapers you see are beanie-wearing dudes with little beards. Takes away all the goth and edginess.

Angelina Jolie, actually, won an Best Supporting Actress Oscar for Girl, Interrupted in 1999 and starred in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider two years later.