Sherrod DeGrippo

Yup, the only reason I would ever change my name for would be for the sake of awesomeness. Unless my future spouse is named Rockefeller or Wilder, I'll be keeping my uncommon but easy to spell name (that as of yet isn't shared by any celebrity).

My partner and I have been together 9 years, lived together for 7, aren't married, don't plan to marry. I've still gotten NUMEROUS pieces of mail, including one wedding invite, addressed to Mr. And Mrs. His Name here. It's infuriating.

It's 2014. Why the hell is this still an issue? Didn't we go through this crap in the 70s, when people had divorced parents? Was I so fucking revolutionary in the 80s to keep my real name upon marriage, aka my "maiden name" ? Don't women have their OWN NAMES yet? [screams, punches drywall]

For years when I write Christmas or Halloween cards (shut up, I can send cards for any holiday I want), if I know that Casual Friend X is involved by I'm not sure if they're married or how the Other Person wants to be addressed, I put "Friend X and family" or, for the Halloween cards, "to Friendenstein Manor." I had

It's a summer suit! What don't people understand about that? He's not a goddamn funeral director.

Nothing is as classically American as dressing like a French yachtmaster.

I'm partial to "moon tan" myself. Anyway, goth kids for the win!

Trans women aren't women like women born with female anatomy are. They don't experience the same things. They are a different category and women who were born female still need their own spaces. I don't understand all this trans sympathy in the place of maintaining spaces just for women or for the gay/lesbian

Did he ever want to make bad men fly?

6. If your [sic] only going to show up for food and alcohol and really have no interest other than that

Nah, Target's awesome.

No, that's trademark you have to defend. Copyright doesn't work that way

I'm pretty sure that's only for trademarks, not copyrights.

if you don't know what would motivate someone to loot a corpse or an airplane full of corpses, you've never been really poor

That's for mansplaining what we should wear to impress the mens. We care a lot about what makes your boner sad.

Thank fuck you can do that with art or a novel or any other number of creative acts.

That's a whole lotta narcissism, don't you think?

One thing I noticed was that the announcers said "woman" a lot. Not "girl", "woman". It is such a small thing, but I really appreciated that there was no belittling of her accomplishment through diminutive language.

At this point, I feel like I'm the only person in this country who can eat milk products and gluten with no problem.