
You realize this was in England, right?

Truckers that regularly drive in cold climates will have canvas grille covers. Cardboard is only for the Californians that have to take a quick trip to Yakima in the dead of winter.

One, would count reaction and recovery time after sight is regained. Two, probably hyperbole, but a lot can happen in a couple seconds in a helicopter.

Let me know when you have a map shown through a knob.

I mean, it was on every Chevrolet NASCAR.

Am pilot, can confirm.

It turns off the automatic rev matching. Probably on the steering wheel to reduce the parts differential between the MT and AT cars, and also to save space on the center console.

Why not just a used manual SS?

Mkay, buddy.

Depends on if you’re talking about driving it around a track.

Birds don’t really count because they can kinda just go wherever, and neither does the first one. A hillclimb course is not a race track, and it was still 10 years ago. Still far more controllable than a public road.

Alright, there’s two. Good for you. One of them happened 10 years ago. How many races have there been since then without animals interfering?

And yet, there are very few incidences of wildlife interrupting races.

Wildlife doesn’t care if a road is closed.

Dealers have been installing accessories in cars forever. Some will install superchargers or other similar performance upgrades. A seat is nothing.

How much does it cost though?


Except that it also happens over wifi. The page loading shouldn’t result in multiple seconds of delay between pressing a key on the keyboard and it showing up. Sometimes I’ll type entire sentences before they appear, often times incorrectly because I can’t see what I’m actually writing. It’s exceptionally frustrating,

Four bars of 4g should be fine. It lags everything. Scrolling, keyboard, clicking, et cetera. I’ll click on an article after the page has been loaded for a minute or more, then it will stealth load an advertisement and think I clicked on a different article.

I believe this to be by design. The hood is meant to deform in a collision.