
Dis is Merica, son! Land of the free! We ain’t got no time for such pansy ass shit like “consumer protection” or “disclosures” or anything that doesn’t make me money! Freedom!

I could go without the sunroof. I’ve opened it once I think? I’d rather have the sunglasses holder.

and now that they’re going to make the R8 the first non-Quattro Audi sold in the US in decades

I read the article. I commented on a question posed by an article. You can’t win because you’re stupid. Have fun being wrong.

And if you had read the thread, you would know that the non-Sport is technically faster around a track.

Aye, in pure straight line top speed, it is the fastest. Around the track, it is not. The 10kg of weight savings does not make up for the substantial loss of aero, which is a 150kg difference at top speed.

I...did? Read the entire thread before you reply.

Are you just saying random things? You’re responding to my posts, but nothing that I’m saying in them.

I’m aware of that. I never said anything to the contrary.

Well, your article asks “So is it actually the fastest road-going Lotus?”

The article asked whether or not the sport was going to be the faster road car. I answered that question.

According to Lotus’ website, no the new Sport will not be a faster road car. The old GT430 lapped their test track a full second quicker.

Just look at diesel motors. Those have had turbos for decades and can run for 300k+ without rebuilds. Modern small turbo motors are taking a lot from those motors with forged internals and generally heavier construction. It’s not the 80s anymore for sure.

If anybody has ever looked at buying a Fox body, you know this to be true. Generally the coolant lines crack, leaving the turbo without oil, causing it to burn out. If you find one, people just disconnect it altogether. You’re lucky if the turbine doesn’t get shredded up and cram the cylinders with metal filings.

What are most phones made out of? Aluminium? With a Mohs hardness of 6, titanium is significantly harder than aluminium (2.75), and will therefore scratch much less easily than the vast majority of phones.

Quoted from the article: “By keeping one ship on a steady course and speed, the policy is designed to prevent both ships from making simultaneous corrections which would only serve to make the encounter more dangerous.”


Being stupid.

This is not cars and coffee. This is people fucking around and breaking the law.

If you’re trying to shoot a hole where traffic is going 60 and 0.4 seconds is going to make or break your ability to pull out, you probably shouldn’t be trying to make that gap anyways. 0.4 seconds at 60mph is ~35ft, for reference. It’s not that big of a difference.