
Plenty of blame to go around on deals like that. I don’t have any sympathy for the lender when these things go into default, given it’s their job to know how risky such a loan is.

I’ve been saying for a while now that our recycling programs are a dumpster fire...

Did you have to wait for your court date for the BAC test to be “official?” In other words, assuming they knew within a day or two (or immediately) that you were 0.0, could they not drop the charge until that result was admitted as evidence in court?

They’ll just add more cameras.

Are there standalone Ram dealerships? As far as I can tell you still go to a Dodge/Ram dealer to get a truck. I’m just wondering how “spun off” Ram really is.

Well, half of one...

even with the sunroof open?

No wonder the SFPD is wanting to use killer robots...

The multiple options is so annoying. All state driver’s licenses should be Real ID compatible, especially considering that the requirements for a regular license in my state meet the guidelines for Real ID. Yet for some reason they still default to a “regular” license unless you specifically ask for the Real ID

I wish I was rich enough (c’mon Powerball!) to cover the salary of every rail worker to go on strike or even quit, just so there would be actual consequences for these greedy companies that can’t even give their employees a damn sick day.

Username checks out

What I’m hearing is the USFS needs to add Raptors to their fleet.

Well then lucky for you there are none in stock!

Yeah, and good thing the “investors” won’t be negatively impacted by the company’s shady business practices...

To that point, I hope everyone had their record cleared since the cars weren’t actually stolen.

Mark sounds like a good boy.

I like the Colorado, but for ~$50K I’d take the extra capability of a fullsize.

It’s annoying that trucks keep getting larger overall yet the beds are in some ways smaller.

Or the near heart attack when the presumably-dead cat popped out of the bag