
Straight up: I will be there opening night and I don't give a damn if the tomato meter is at zero goddman percent.
Marvel has put a multimillion dollar budget on a relatively obscure scifi property starring a bunch of space outlaws that includes a talking racoon when the last noteworthy cinematic entry in that genre

My "canon" shepard (for lack of a better word) is named Iskinder. It means "Defender of Men".

Still pretty cynical about the premise.
In all likelyhood we're just going to get a repeat of what happened with smallville and the writers are eventually going to hit a brick wall where the only where left for the characters to go is where we all know the eventually wind up....but since that means the end of the show

Question: how does the webswinging in this one compare to Spider-man 2? I got super excited by the early footage of ASM1 but about 20 minutes after playing it I returned it in absolute disgust at what they'd done to it.

huh.....that looked awesome!!!

Generally, I don't mind everything transitioning to streaming...but If blu-ray dies I'm hopping there will be a kind of "premium" market to aquire high quality files for films. Current streaming quality is fine for the most part, but for some special titles like Star Wars or LOTR I still want that extra little oomph

My god......its...its.....its so beautiful....

Looks pretty bad.

This is the correct response. We don't live in a legal vacuum people.

"The depth is there. You want to ignore it because it fits your shallow view."

No, I'm just willing to stand up and say the emperor has no clothes, unlike you who actually believes the movie is "hopeful" purely because it has Jor-El say the word "hope".
The movie ends with untold death and destruction and with Superman

Now playing

It still eludes me how anyone actually liked MOS, but the last trailer for it was absolutely incredible. Everything is so pitch perfect. The visuals look amazing, Jor-el's monologue about the ideal of hope hits all the right notes, the new Superman theme sounds so unlike John Williams and yet so quintessentially

"How is a general tasked with protecting his planet and obsessing over it to the point that he becomes a zealot not work? No one has ever been obsessed with racial purity in real life? No general ever attempted a coup to take over a government? Be specific. If you want to charge that its stupid then get detailed."

Don't give me that crap. Of course he's the villain but its obvious that the movie is going out of its way to try and portray him as a more sympathic and tragic character.
The problem is that the "ground floor of his emotion" is founded in such stupid goddamn writting and nonsensical motivation that completely dodges

No, it makes him a monumental idiot and completely removes whatever sympathy the audience was ever meant to feel for him. Man of Steel is one of the dumbest, loudest, and straight up pretentious films ever created and my feelings from nearly a year ago when I wrote that post above have only gotten stronger. I wanna see this in a green arrow movie.

No one said it doesn't look like sonic. Just that it's no where near as defined or iconic as the others. Its much weaker from a design standpoint.

All seriousness; while this is obviously never going to happen, I can't decide if this would be awesomely jingoistic given how guddamn American Guile is, or stupidly ironic since he's meant to be a stereotypical american caricature created by Japanese developers.

Troll harder.

"I understood you perfectly, thank you. My point is that his design doesn't really matter when it is attached to something bad."

I don't know about all of Pikachu's redesigns. I just remember the one where he basically went from being very rounded to somewhat more angular. Good adjustment IMO.