Sean Clancy

(let me preface this by saying sorry for the word vomit; this is more aimed at anyone else reading this who may have a similar experience than it is at rebutting anything you said in particular. Plus, hey, a distraction from work)

I’ve actually been really happy with how ST has handled Will’s sexuality

Okay, this seems a little like pearl-clutching to me.

I’m all for killing Square. Jack Dorsey can fuck ‘imself.

What if that indigenous fauna is good eatin’?

Yeah, salt on the rim is too much salt all at once.

Alternately just mix some salt into the margarita.

I just got done watching a random K-drama scene that involved a group of women meeting... and talking... and furthering their own character development. Ah, I thought, passing the Bechdel test without even trying! That was refreshing.

I agree, but the only way the GOP will give up the racist symbolism is if it’s replaced with religious BS.

I honestly don’t care about Winds of Winter anymore. It’s been 8 years since I finished A Dance of Dragons and I couldn’t remember most of the book only plot points if you put a gun to my head. I can’t be arsed working my way through a wiki to get refreshed on the plot points.

Now playing

“There is a cure for covid. There is a cure for covid. It’s called hydroxychloroquine, it’s called zinc, it’s called zitromax.” - Dr. Stella Immanuel in a clip from the press conference played on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show on July 28, 2020.

About fifteen years ago the National Film Theatre in London held an ‘Alan Smithee’ season, showing some of the pics that have this moniker slapped on, beginning with Death Of A Gunfighter, but they also had a fake memorial before the screening of one film, claiming it was on the anniversary of Smithee’s death (apparent

I’m always reminded of the final line of the movie’s entry in the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction: “Bits of this bad film are close to masterful.”

I’m sure when CPAC attendees start dying of coronavirus, they’ll probably deny it was coronavirus and call it freedom fever or something. 

US deaths from COVID-19: 0

Did Bloomberg pay you write this shit? 

Lol, where in the fuck are you getting the idea that Bloomberg, of all fucking people, who has one of the most absurd, and seemingly unappealing, sets of personal characteristics, background, and politics I have ever seen in a viable presidential candidate (and that includes Donald Trump) “may be the only one who can

But it’s more important to first just recover a rational government above all else