Sean Clancy

As far as she knew, she was right, and she wasn’t really being too much of a jerk about it.  Given her knowledge of the situation, her choice was absolutely appropriate.  She just didn’t know the whole story.

Commodore Oh is my new favorite Vulcan/Romulan/Mirror Universe Agent. More Oh, and by extension Tamlyn Tomita, please.

You can’t go from “swears like a sailor” to no naval swearing at all, regardless of how many millennia pass. In fact, 25th century swearing should be so technologically advanced that it’s even too rough for today’s internet.

Instead of the Star Trek “computer, do x” future we got a shit one where the computer just records everything you say to sell you shit you don’t need.

Obviously the federation has a need for propaganda and disposable, easily controlled labor. Even if the do-gooders that risk there life to explore the galaxy disagree with it.

Thank you. You said what I was think, just waaay better than I am able too lol. Its like they assume the Federation is this unchanging monolith, but people change. I’d wager that the Dominion War had a similar chilling effect on the Federation as did 9/11 here in the states. That slow slide into fascism after their

Not a single thing that video posits is as convincing as its creator seems to think.

Astrophysicists Observe Star Dragging Space-Time

The “uncompleted Heathkit” look it’s exactly what appeals to me. But then again, I’m an electronics engineer. 😄

You know, as much as people keep talking about how Starfleet has become darker and the Federation in general has lost its utopian nature, I keep noticing how the setting wasn’t really ever as “utopian” as people seem to think. I mean sure, DS9 really foregrounded some of the less savory elements of the Federation, and

If it gets popular, maybe I’ll build a small business selling 3D printed cases for it. :D

Oh, man. I haven’t heard “Heathkit” in an age!

even if you weren’t allowed to ask by law, i think it would become pretty fucking clear that an animal is an emotional support animal and not a real service animal by its behavior. service dogs are well behaved as fuck. they don’t react to like anything. they are like the Buckingham palace guards of dogs. they just do

And going into the back end, there’s the Season 5 episode The Outcast, about “one woman’s brave quest for cock in the face of lesbian tyranny,” as Cracked excellently put it. Though apparently Jonathan Frakes campaigned long and hard to have his love interest there be played by a man (in the early ‘90s, mind you) so

“my personal Most Offensive Trek episode will always be “The Child.””

Yep, TNG’s early seasons were particularly bad. It’s not much of a consolation, but several of the not great early season episodes were reused scripts from either TOS itself or the planned Phase Two sequel that was cancelled when Paramount decided to do the original cast movies instead. The early seasons also had more

The TSA asked for, and received, a universal key to open any luggage. Those keys are now a downloadable file you can print on any 3D printer. NSA had an exploit for Windows which they kept secret until somebody spilled it out to hackers, resulting in a glut of ransomware attacks. What makes them think they can keep a

You seem confused, so please allow me to assist.

Looks the same, except one is a handcrafted model made in the 50's, and the other is that same ship made with modern CG.