Sean Clancy

If you were watching idiotic iconic morning program The View today,  you probably aren’t a reader of this website.


Hi, Julianne, I’d like to add a few things to the list of worst things to happen in an office bathroom. I work in an office park and share a bathroom with about 10 other companies, you need a key to get in, but frequently find customers/clients of other tenants using the bathroom. Here’s just a little taste of what I

There’s a very small market for this and as far as I am aware, it will still require a pilots license as well as an airport for take-off and landings that you also get charged a fee for (how much depends on the airport/field). Most people aren’t going to fork over the loot for a flying car, take the lessons required

What, when you were taking your Pilots Training Course from your local airport they didn’t teach you that you could VFR fly your Cessna 182 nap-of-the-earth down main street between the buildings?

I think of all the cars out on the road with shoddy maintenance. I see at least a few broken vehicles along the highways on my normal commute every day. Can’t exactly just pull over anywhere once you have flying cars available to the masses. You really need to have responsible drivers / pilots (AI most likely now) when

If flying cars ever actually come to market, this is what the sky will look like the next day.

Battery technology has effectively plateaued at this point, and the fact is that after about 1.5 years-2 years, you *will* see battery degradation. This is true whether you use a Samsung, an Apple, an LG, or any other device. With more and more devices lacking easily replaceable batteries, providing the means to

This calls for some Romantic Poetry:

You are an assemblage of star dust, a slight enthalpic energy state amongst waves of entropy.  Disparate waves of remnant energy of the universe have slightly overlapped on multiple dimensions to form a small node of interference that is you.  Like a skipped stone creates waves that are still seen after the stone has

I see what you’re saying and I think it’s a valid question. I went to a very sheltered grade school and high school. Very white. Very privileged. I had some very terrible friends and I adopted some very terrible opinions and thought some very horrible things were hilarious. I went to college and opened my mind and

First off: Why is “all screen” such a pressing need?


This is just great. And what happens when all that solar radiation contaminates the entire planet??? What then??? Fucking brilliant.

Embiggenization is always a positive. 

Embiggens my vocabulary.

Well the last time I checked, it wasn’t my job to create a diverse field of candidate for the DNC. That’s kinda on the DNC to do that. However, even a quick Google search would give a decent list of names: Deval Patrick, Kamala Harris, Terry McAuliffe, Sherrod Brown, Tammy Duckworth, or Cory Booker just to name a

This has actually been done: