Sean Clancy

I don’t know how to do gifs and emojis. But I’ll just type blank face and leave

*blank face*

I recognize Super 8 still has a role in filmmaking schools as a tool to teach kids how to edit film,

As evil as Breitbart?

As a rail commuter this is the kind of stuff that scares me.

From South Carolina:

White Southern Democrats aren’t this damn stupid in 2017. They are well aware that they need black voters and well aware that this its not the way to go about getting them.

This smells like a dirty trick. This is EXACTLY what Lee Atwater would do.

The sad thing?


New rule. If you are going to do something that involves black people, and you are not black, ask some black people how they feel about it first. Please.

Is this real? Was this really approved by Doug Jones? I feel like this is a set up . Could the Democrats be that obtuse? They were tracking 80% of the black vote. If they only replaced “black” with “Democrat” in that ad this would never have been an issue. So stupid.

Well … no. Not really.

“But we’re going to assume all those printouts are headed right for the recycling bin”

The notched want to be notchless and the notchless want the notch.

But the correct timeline was restored, so nobody really died.

People complain when Discovery isn’t true to the spirit of TOS, and now y’all’re complaining when it is. Mudd has always gotten away with shit that should have gotten him spaced.


I am watching this and seeing an excellent Star Trek show. I am happy to see that boundaries are being pushed because that means growth in the franchise. This is not cake. It’s quiche with some new flavors.

Love of comics is the reason why this drama is so humorous. Retcons and conflicts have occurred even within the original series. Comics retcon on a whim. But somehow even the casual and unverified statements of minor characters in star trek are considered universal law by some fans.

It was a V the Final Battle costume party!