Sean Clancy

Hiya has worked very well for me too. Three or four calls a week still sneak through, but it’s a lot better than it used to be.

I’m very happy to live in a neighborhood that doesn’t have an HOA (which means I have to put up with the next-door neighbor’s shitheap house, but whatever -- ours is one of the prettiest on the block). I will never live in a place that has one, and if we ever move I’m telling the real estate agent “HOAs are a

Fortunately I’ve never used PAM, because even as a kid I hated the stuff — every time my mother would spray it if I were nearby, the propellant would make me cough uncontrollably. I kept asking her not to buy it any more and finally she stopped.

“The Universe is monstrously indifferent to the presence of Man.” -- Werner Herzog

None of them is a big deal, I didn’t notice any of them at the time (with the possible exception of the greyscale one), and this kind of thing happens ALL THE TIME and has in movies for decades. I don’t know why every single person on GoT is supposed to be perfect and incapable of error.

For me it’s “In sportsball, you sports the ball until you win, while simultaneously keeping the other team from sportsing the ball.” </sciencefictionnerd>

For a second I thought the same thing, and then I thought about the thieves who stole my catalytic converter (“Probably got it off your car in less than 90 seconds,” the cop said), along with dozens of my neighbors. So no, fuck thieves.

Y’know ... someone I actually liked, respected and followed on Twitter deliberately spoiled Endgame. I called him out on it as being a vile thing to do, and he doubled down and then insulted me (we had spent the last few years in nothing but friendly and informative interactions). I unfollowed him.

And that was it.

I’ve noticed that they’ve started adding cover-our-ass stickers to the scooters, saying, “DO NOT RIDE ON THE SIDEWALK.” As if that’s going to do any good.

Poor woman, who then should have been arrested for DUI.

Seriously. I work in Santa Monica CA, where these fucking things were first deployed in the LA metro area. I’ve lost count of the number of times I came very close to being knocked down by one of these fucknuckles who ride scooters on the sidewalk. Someone running into you on a scooter at 20mph is going to fuck you


I’m with you. I hated the idea of Face ID and aesthetically I hated the notch. If I could get an iPhone 11 with the iPhone X’s camera, no notch and buttonless Touch ID I’d almost certainly get one.

This would make me very happy as I really really really don’t ever want Face ID. It’s way too passive. I’ve been accused of being a Luddite over this, but I don’t like the concept. I don’t want my phone to unlock just if I happen to look at it. 

I’ve been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my knee and shoulder, and asked my doctor about CBD for joint pain. He said he didn’t have enough data yet to recommend anything for me, but he’d been giving CBD chews to his dog with cancer every day, and he said they’ve helped her enormously.

Me too. Sigh. I don’t care about not seeing likes.

The state doesn’t have the right to kill people.

I hope this series actually portrays Trump, as the monster that he is.

The showrunners are not making things up on their own. Martin told them in detail how he planned the futures/fates of the characters and how he planned for the entire Song of Ice and Fire series to end. He always knew how it was going to end -- getting there is the hard part.

“I’m a slow learner, it’s true. But I learn.” Boy howdy.