Sean Clancy

That’s ... kind of doing it the hard way, no? :) This is why we need tricorders? “Scan for shards.”

I swear to Ghu I never want to hear the term “influencer” ever again.

It not just you. I had never heard of this eejit until the cat thing blew up on my Twitter feed. (8 MILLION TWITTER FOLLOWERS 21 MILLION YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBERS WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK) -- another Old

Fortunately he’s a far better writer than to pull cheap tricks like that.

1.5 million Facebook users are sick fucks.

Wu will do it for us.

It’s not an actual scientific paper, but will this do?

We broke a Corelle plate last year, and we were still finding shards all over everywhere for six months. Every time we’d sweep or mop more shards would come up. It’s as if they were hiding, waiting for a bare foot.


Uh, you apparently missed seeing the torrents of abuse of that kind Rapp got on social media.

Also, WWZ is told from an “after the war” perspective once we’ve more or less wiped out the zombies. In Newsflesh the virus that causes one to rise as a zombie is in everyone. You WILL rise when you die of anything, or if a premature viral “amplification” occurs you could just transform very quickly and very

I highly recommend the series -- four novels (an initial trilogy plus the first one retold from the perspective of different characters), and several prequel and sequel novellas. She audited virology classes to make the science behind the zombies plausible too, giving a solid science-fictional basis to the horror.

Why have another Walking Dead series when we already have one, if not two, too many? As much of a fan of zombies as I’ve always been, I think the zombie apocalypse has been exhausted. I’d be far more interested in an adaptation of Mira Grant’s (aka Seanan McGuire’s) Newsflesh series, set 35 years after “The Rising” of

Oh look, it’s “the primaries were rigged!” delusion again!

Especially when he’s not a Democrat. Say what you will about the Democratic Party (they have many flaws), but saying you’re not a Democrat for 40 years while attacking the Democrats, then oh-so-conveniently joining them to run for the nomination only to quit later is just bullshit.

Also, Trump just all-but-endorsed him on Twitter, which makes me think he and his acolytes think he’ll be easy to beat. By comparison, they’re all terrified of Harris.

Sure, he’s got a lot on his platform that I like, and a lot to his history that I don’t like. But as someone I admire recently wrote, Bernie’s time was last time, and that time has passed. We need to repudiate the current president completely, and the way to do it is not with a cranky, 80-year-old white dude. He’s not

Unfortunately to me it also tastes terrible.

Shaken Martinis pretty much clear up in 30 seconds or so, but there’s nothing worse to me than an inappropriately shaken Manhattan, which stays ickily frothy until the bitter end. Ugh.

Maybe, but you’ll likely have to wait 400 years or so.