
Can you hear the worm scream?

This is why I'm naming my children Paul's First Letter to the Thessalonians and Paul's Second Letter to the Thessalonians.

The issue is that now, people see something flying and they immediately get wound up.

I hate Coop.

This kid went blind.

You'll never guess who originally pointed this out in the rule book to the Minnesota Vikings special teams coach and said "Hey, wouldn't that be interesting if that situation happened? We should mess around with that."

It's generous of you to refer to the Raiders as an NFL team.

I wonder if it's more profitable to move to L.A. or threaten to move to L.A. so owners and cities bend taxpayers over to pay for new facilities.

American military has a long, brutal history literally everywhere it goes. They haunt the nations even after they leave

I have cousins who were in the Navy and Marines within the last 10 years. The way the military teaches them to view various groups of people (at the time it was Muslims) as non-human is scary. The military seemed to ingrain calling them "towelheads" and other slurs as I guess it would make it easier for the soldiers

for one, it takes way too long to load a friends list or send a message or do anything party-related on ps4

We all know it was her devious plan all along, just ask this Bleacher Report commented.

I can't believe Bernier had no clue who Nelson Mandela was. At this point, who hasn't seen Shawshank or The Dark Knight?

The Oakland Raiders would perk my interest as a 4 seed.

If Ohio State continues this complete demolition of Wisconsin, it's going to be difficult to keep them out of the Top 4.

Out of context erotica.

the southern drawl is strong with this one

Should have said to the cop "I detect the presence of marijuana" Then use the Civil Asset Forfeiture act to seize the cop car.

File this one under "Stuff only white people can do"