
It's possible this article is some kind of patriarchal false flag. "Sure, ladies, you can eschew male-dominated society: it just means living with your mother forever."

Yeah, I LIKE being an independent adult who lives away from my parents. I LIKE living with my husband (most of the time). I'm all for having more support from the community in raising a child, but I don't think there's anything wrong with a bit of independence and boot-strap-iness.

Sorry, but I already have enough problems feelings eternally obligated to serve my mom. I absolutely do not want to live in a society in which I can never get to leave the the maternal home and my partner has to sneak in at night. Any way i can have the gender equality without the stifling family obligations?

Explain how starting a website to invent names for aborted fetuses is or leads to intelligent discourse and I might consider that it's bad to troll this shit. Forced-birthers are trolls. Maybe not all of them, but a lot of them and there the ones who come up with this bullshit, who come up with billboards that declare

Ha. I say that every morning when my husband is getting dressed :P

We've always used the proper terms with our kiddo (I'm a biologist, I'm not going to call it a wee-wee or a hoo-haa or whatever). She was then told by other kids she was saying "bad words." Her teacher started to tell her not to say those and she proudly said "My mommy says those are the right words and not to use

Trade me right fucking now!

You do that, you go to the box, you know. Two minutes, by yourself, you know, and you feel shame, you know. And then you get free.

I'm glad Hester pulled off a rushing TD, and I'm curious if he can do the same against an NFL team later this season.

i will not let murdering tweens take slenderman away from me.

I don't understand why you wouldn't want to get these kinds of messages, ladies. Sometimes you have to wait months or even years to find out you've been dating an asshole, but these guys just let you know right away. It's practically a public service!

Hey KHOU, get your own reporter instead of just running AP stories.

Two different four-year-old sons? If only AD's father had hit him in the scrotum with a switch.

All Day.

You sir, take life too seriously.

I could be recalling this incorrectly, but I thought I remembered a tweet at some point in the past (not last night) where the person referred to themselves as a guy. I assumed it was the same person, though you're right, it may not be!

I saw it go down as well, and felt really bad for the person, even though it was a mistake that could have very easily been avoided. They really went out of their way to apologize to literally everyone who tweeted about it (including comedians who continued to take the piss outta this person).

Wow, so many apologies in a row; it's like he's in the Cal-zone!

I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said, "I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one." Kinda funny.

This is Gawker Media in a nutshell: