
From the best I could gather Great Britain is responsible for this conflict in that it while it was folding up its colonies it promised the same land to two different peoples, who have been fighting over it ever since.

I don't mean to sound as if I'm accusing you of anything. I certainly understand the desire to make sense of a confusing situation, and this is one that it is easy to become emotionally involved in.

Many times that you see wingsuits and speed wings flying very close to the ground they are actually limiting their glide ratio so they can stay closer to the terrain. If needed they can in a sense pull up or just stop forcing themselves down, and would fly fly away at a lower glide ratio. All this assumes that they

Great message but its an awful song.
Furthermore "Conway never did it this way."?
What planet are these girls from?

Actually, he hit the BACK to BACK to BACKside of the mound.

He must be the guy who leaves me quarters all the time, too. I'm forever finding them. What a nice guy.

Fuck all that! Was she expected to keep serving sandwiches if she puked on the station? No, cuz most people would turn down a vomit tainted sandwich! But the fuckface manager essentially put her in a position to serve vomit subs to unwitting customers, no matter how clean her hands were.


Good for him.

"Without a genre" is a really nice spin on "meaningless".

i have 2 contributions. first, this twitter exchange:

OK, thank you for covering all the bases. HEAR THAT, EVERYONE? The bases are covered, the position has been filled and THESE PIPES ARE CLEAN. Please make sure to comment accordingly.

The first rule of CrossFit is you do not stop talking about CrossFit.

That Deaf Blind kid probably killed his translators for daring to pull such a cruel joke as telling him Brazil was suffering an historic rout

I like how the Hitler one with the picture assumes that he would be looking down on proceedings... you know, like from heaven.

Thats why I only eat meat. The cows ears have already been removed.

Just realized, why do all the moons in the solar system have cool names and we just settled for "the moon"?
