
I just... I don't think I will *ever* understand how anyone could think this is ok. I don't care how young they are. I guess I was just taught right or something, but honestly I can't imagine how people do things like this and think it's somehow justified or "not that bad". The same with mass shootings. Something is

Did you just refer to an aspect of Dragon Age 2 with a positive connotation? I caught that! I actually liked the storytelling in DA2, the only thing bugging me were the reused levels. It felt like Mass Effect where the same prefabricated building and mine shaft was on EVERY planet.

Wait... you don't hear the violins?! Next you'll tell me you don't hear the wacky xylophone solo when a crazy guy/girl enters the room...

For the same reason you can't "teach" someone "not to be gay" you equally cannot blame people for what they are attracted to in other characteristics besides the gender of their partner. It's not a conscious decision, it's just a fact. While I also don't necessarily agree with the article's assertions that all men

Without giving away too much, they DO address the whole "swearing to kill" thing in the game. And I agree there was clearly signs of a relationship in the first game.

Agreed, there are definitely quite a range of interpretations in here.

You're one of those people who thinks that people are only nice to one another because they want something, aren't you. How sad.

Exactly. As long as there is some sort of ending on disc, i mean, all these trilogies and series are technically selling "endings" on an entire other game, but each installment should have at least a minor resolution. Ultimately, the consumer will make a judgment call, if enough people think a DLC is worth their money

Some people actually like to get a few more levels or some extra content for a game they like. As evidenced by sales. If the majority of people thought it wasn't worth it, it wouldn't be profitable.

Do I really sound like that? I should GO. i SHOULD go. IIII should go.

WAIT! let me get popcorn first!

Emperor: Battle For Dune and Homeworld were the first "3D" graphics RTS's I played and will always hold a special place in my memories. I really wish a newer Dune RTS would come out...

That may be my most favorite comment I've seen for at LEAST the last month!

You hit the nail on the head. For some reason everyone expected every minute choice to play out in the last 3 min of the game, even when they're clearly playing out within the game itself. I'll admit I was annoyed at the reused cutscenes with new colors, but the ideas of the endings were still good.

Wait, what write up are you guys talking about?! I feel like I need to read this now.

I feel like the vast majority are the people in the middle that are just satisfied or unsatisfied and don't feel strongly enough to post about it all the time

Just because your mind fills in the blanks (they left a LOT of blanks) with stuff that doesn't make sense does not mean that is how everyone viewed it.

Heyyy!! I'm not the only one that doesn't forget the Giant Terminator!! There was so much rage for that originally, I hated it too. And I agree me3's end wasn't perfect, and I actually don't like a few things the EC did, like how all the damage from the "destroy" ending is magically fixed before anyone could die from

I liked all of ME3, I thought the ending could have been a little more epic, but it did make sense (post detail-fixing with the extended version). The problem is the bar was set so high by expectations.

An excellent article, it pretty much sums up every comment I've wanted to make at people bitching about microtransactions and dlc. The only opinions that matter are the opinions voiced with a wallet. If you don't think some extra content/skin/whatever is worth $10 then DON'T BUY IT. Some people do think it is worth it