
Lumping Bush v Gore in with those other things leaves out an awful lot of context. An awful lot.

I just want us all to take a moment and bask in the glow of the phrase “drilling in our special places”. Just... let that wash over you a moment.

Has anyone asked his wife how SHE feels about this answer?

People I know in this area (I live in her district) are starting to report push polling from the Faso campaign. Well, maybe not FROM the Faso campaign, but certainly from an anti-Zephyr Teachout perspective.

A: go to a news website like or what have you ( AND THEN GO STRAIGHT TO HELL) to test internet: anything that doesn’t automatically update all the time can give you a false positive. Your computer already knows what should look like, so it can show you even if the internet’s out.

I’d assume C, D, G, and A, which would cover probably 95% of pop music... I guess it’s a little weird not to have Bb as well, but. What do I know about politics?

Maybe five years ago, I was watching a Phils game (when they were still competitive, but post-winning it) that went to 14, and after (I want to say) 12, Ryan Howard flipped out at an ump and got tossed, and they were basically out of bench players. Roy Oswalt, who had just arrived from the Astros, got sent to left

This is lovely. Thank you for sharing.

onetransmission is correct. HulkHogansDick is also correct.

Can we take a moment to be impressed at how fast that catcher got around to grab the umpire? How in hell do you get turned that quickly?

Do It The Reich Way.

Oh, man. “Darkest Timeline Vin Scully” is my new favorite thing ever. Sometimes I wonder why I don’t write for Deadspin. Then lines like that happen, and I understand.

When we were talking about it, I said to my now-wife “if you, for ANY REASON AT ALL, want to keep your last name, you should keep it. If you don’t feel any kind of way about it, then, all other things being equal, I would like it if you took mine. BUT IF YOU FOR ANY REASON AT ALL WANT TO KEEP YOURS, you should do it.”

For years, I just thought that I sweated so much because I was overweight and it would help if I got in better shape (because I am, and it probably would). Then, one summer, I watched my (marathon-running, mountain-climbing) father put on sneakers, walk outside into maaaaaaaaaayyybe 80 degree weather, walk around the

But the third base umpire is also a pussy?

You get reimbursements for your medicine. Already this is an invalid comparison to America.

I thought “Manning Face” was Eli looking derpy at things.

I absolutely do not believe that there WOULD be “where was the leadership” questions if it were Peyton sulking. Because it’s happened, and there weren’t those questions.

False. You can find weed in West Philly as long as any three of your five senses work. Taste, Touch, and Hear is a little tricky, but I believe in you.

Which explains why Billy Joel is still here...