What if the man is supporting said march? And what if the man and other men had said that to the women who when to the Million Man March? Or said that to women at any other event that’s traditionally male?
The one with the ‘hissy fit’ is you, sir.
Learn about copyright law before you comment next time, moron.
That’s surprising and sad.
Again, numbnuts, those people are a minority among the millions of Star Trek fans worldwide.
It seems that you have reading comprehension problems, sir; I urge you to get those dealt with before you head back to the group home.
No, it won’t. You are nothing but a silly man acting like a baby that hasn’t had his diaper changed.
Said fans are a minority, you deluded asswipe. Where do you get your powers of reason from?
Guy, get a life, get a shrink, and then get some meds; also, take some time off from this media franchise.
Not just those web shows, but also Star Trek Aurora as well.
Your ‘hatred’ is illogical and foolish, and is an attempt to deny reality because you love the franchise way too deeply for your own good.
McIntyre’s story was good, but is too long and ponderous to make a movie out of; also, having Rand be a 16-year old who somehow managed to join Starfleet and then be on board a Constitution-class starship with no real background check simply because of relativity stasis stretches credibility. Abrams wanted to shake up…
They’re still publishing original sci-fi novels, sir; how hard are you concentrating in finding them when you go to a bookstore?
Sorry, what you just said is bullcrap.
Oh man, that’s cold.
No, just this one.
One. More. Fracking. Time.
As before, read this, then get back to me. Plus, stop making this franchise more than it is simply because some people were inspired to be something in life due to watching it.