
Don't give in and have kids just because your husband wants kids. Offer him a divorce so he can find someone who does want kids. You should have worked that out before you married.

I think it's really wonderful that you know your own mind on this. Your husband needs to come to terms with it. Nobody should convince another person to have children. I love my children and I love being a mother and there are times that I would happily give all three of them up because they are driving me crazy.

I've had patients legitimately hit on me — one immediately after her abortion, and another right after a pelvic exam.

"I can understand feeling rebuffed," Josh said. "It's like impossible for most dudes to get any response in these environments. But these guys have no idea what to do with those feelings, it's scary. And it's always about their feelings. Always about their feelings. Always about their feelings."

Now if only they would apply the same ethics to the kids who make their shoes.

My point still stands. He's not single because he can't find a girlfriend/wife; he's single because he doesn't want one.

I'm only 25, but I surely am more attractive now than I was at 20-22. I can afford adult things, like nice(r) clothes, oh and I can adult too! Huzzah adult-ing!

That paragraph is totally the crux of the issue! Can we just stop hearing about what me like, please?? We get it, we already know you like little girls; this message is driven home to us every day in every movie, TV show, magazine, billboard ad, and artwork ever created by man. We know that women aren't worth a tin

So ... because you don't want to commit, in other words. Also you are not over 30.

My mom's been saying this for years.

Okay. I have to post.

This seems pretty cut and dry. Stop buying Covergirl until they change their affiliation.

You're definitely not the only one, I agree with your post. Also a late bloomer here who segued into having a lot of partners and I only have one experience that I regret. That was when I was on a mission to have a one-night stand, got really drunk and didn't notice the nazi tattoos on the dude I banged until I

We are so not unicorns. I banged many dudes and have no regrets at all.

Now I want to know what those guys were doing in the bathroom.


I was very, very pregnant with my first child. We went out to visit my parents, who are allegedly animal people, so we brought our two dogs (one 35 lbs, one 45 lbs). We'd brought their kennel to put them in when we went out to calm my parents' concerns (they have a lot of cats), and as we were heading out to run an

OOOH...I'm just going to post a reply I made a few months back in response to another poop-related story:

Dog poop counts, yes?