
I would be remiss if I did not point out how amazing this guy is for being such a good wingman for his fish. You don't want to date him? Fine. He's got 23 fish to introduce to you. They are tropical as fuck and ready to mingle. No hard feelings.

One Tropical-as-Fuck Fish

I have a friend that doesn't understand this and even makes significant life choices based on the profiles of her acquaintances. Example: getting married to someone she's not that crazy about because everyone that is her age on facebook has happy perfect lives with families and nice homes. I've tried to explain

I'm an accent chameleon. Put me in another region for a few months, and I will start to sound like I'm from there. I do it subconsciously, and start to mimic the language patterns I hear every day. My Northeastern relatives tell me I've totally lost my Northeastern accent, and it makes me kind of sad.

I get why he's fun to poke fun at, he can be a but of a goober sometimes. But his "gaffes" are really just him being completely honest in an every day person kind of way. It was a big ducking deal! I'll take an F-bomb over religious hypocrisy any day.

Yeah, that's the biggest question I had also. The thing is, the details they reveal to the public/media at this phase are so restricted, we may not know for awhile. I had a whirlwind of guesses/assumptions (which really aren't fair to him at this point, honestly). My first guess, if he knew this guy (who would later

Their job is not just to "catch a guy." Their job is to catch the right guy, with the right evidence, while respecting civil liberties. Did you know that if the cops catch a guy, put him in a line-up, and one of the victims doesn't correctly identify him, it will make it even harder to prosecute, especially if eye

But what factors exactly are driving these statements? That's what I don't understand. Because so far what I've seen reported, and even what you're telling me, fit within standard procedure and response. You even say yourself that by the third incident, they were out warning people. What specifically is being

Oh, absolutely. (I mean, within reason—shifting a few officers from one shift to another should not substantially harm your income.) But like I said above, I don't think that's what's going on here so much as bureaucracy is hampering the ability to get things done speedily. The logistics of adding a substantial,

And I guess even that question gets to me, because I see it as a huge misunderstanding of how police work seems to, ya know, work. Full disclosure: both my father and uncle are cops, and the best way to describe their job is "tedious boredom followed by terror/adrenaline." Crime is notoriously hard to predict and

Same at mine. And that was something I very, very badly wanted to take the university to task for. It just makes no sense to me to snark at the security department for "being bad at their jobs" when it seems they are doing the full extent of what they can. The article states that the cops were there within 3 minutes

They're not supposed to be profit-minded, but with increasing tax cuts, the demands on most police departments outweigh their ability to get it done without that revenue stream. Speeding tickets and the like comprise 20-30% of the budget in most police departments. This article on Ferguson, for example, points out

Some cops, in some areas. Cops that are, ironically, doing their jobs in an ethical way DON'T assume vague description = suspect. Which is why complaining that these cops aren't "doing their jobs faster" is so ridiculous, because that only encourages reckless disregard for ethics.

This is probably just an unavoidable part of bureaucracy. It probably took them until the third rape to confirm that they were even linked. Even at that point, it's borderline impossible to switch schedules around at the last minute, especially when you're, say, moving somebody who usually works first shift to second

And it usually takes more than 3 victims to figure out if there's a serial killer. Depending on the size of the department, moving shifts around might have been unfeasible UNTIL there was a high enough amount of occurrences. Why go straight to blaming the department instead of considering that a lot of campus security

And what exactly do you propose they do that they aren't? Use their mind-reading abilities to suss out which white guys they should interrogate? Use their time-traveling powers to be at the scene as it is occurring? Please, impress all of us with your armchair sleuthing abilities.

if you're not getting enthusiastic consent, you aren't doing it right.

First of all, I hope they catch this guy before he grabs someone who can't fight him off. But is a person being 6'5" really that much of an outlier (among a population of 50,000 students)? The UF gear just makes this guy blend in more—everyone on college campuses wears campus gear. I am not sure how the cops not being

"6'4", 250-lb white man in his late twenties or early thirties with some facial stubble who always wears University of Florida branded clothing."

Ok, news flash, he's not that evasive, he's at a University where he could turn a corner and instantly be swallowed by a crowd of dudes that fit the exact same description.

6'4", 250-lb white man in his late twenties or early thirties with some facial stubble who always wears University of Florida branded clothing