is the anime ending original content? if not what chapter the manga contiue from the anime?
is the anime ending original content? if not what chapter the manga contiue from the anime?
I like the anime but the ending arc is stupidly over dramatizes. i just want to punch that Rika(?) and student council guy in the face with a baseball bat
Unpopular opinion but i personally find both Fallout and Elder scroll games to be very boring, crappy plot and combat. But the mods makes up for it. if there is no mod i will never play any Bethesda game
are you stupid? first any country that buy 1/8 of all unit sold is a huge market. can you give me any other country that sold more except US? and do you know many game come from japan a year compare to other country?
Japan is one of the largest and most important country in gaming , its doesnt matter how many it sells, it need to make it presence known to japanese developer so they will release games on the X1 in the west.
The best way to unit people is by giving them a common enemy. by emphazing the threat of japan(or any country), it convey the message of “to face the the great threat, we must band together, belive in the goverment,support the decision of the government” i guess its a simple way of brainwashing and cover up…
Japan is second largest porn producer after america, so i doubt it has strict porn law
lol that is a pretty week argument , bottom line is they are paid to have sex and they did. i mean by that logic anyone could argu like “i paid her for a kiss,a dance, a date, a blowjob(which is lega) etc and we just happen to have sex later”. but i guess that law, next time he should bring a camera
“Others wondered why adult videos could film orgies in Japan without being arrested”
It is just me or they looks super douchey in this trailer?
By that logic you must hate everything game/movie/fictional books etc except documentary and news.
If this guy meet Yoda, Yoda would slap him and say ““Patience you must have too much my young padawan”
exactly, but they probably make up excuse like there is only few stinger left and shits. but then they could just use anti tank sniper and blow the head/neck off titan easily at distance and dont give me that anti tank bullet is easier to make 3D maneuver gear. in other world, they completely broken the lore and…
is this the SOA game with infamous bad eng translation?
Anyone really disappointed in project car’s graphic? granted i dont play at 4k(1080p with everything on max) but dam it was disappointing especially comparing to screenshots
As a fellow asian i can say its more like culture different and stereotyping.
???3DS has been the best seller for a long time so when a N3DS obvously everyone is going to buy the new version. also large screen>small screen
Agree, i mean no offense but this is just xbox fanboy trying to deny the fact that Japanese simply dont like X1 and blaming it on patriotism. infact its more like culture different and stereotyping. To Asian X1=fps=muscle space marine=lame and Ps4=jrpg=pretty anime guy/girl=cool, or a simpler analogy would be X1=comic…
That is way over exaggerate, in real world expecially gaming, it hardly matter at all
this statement is stupid, spoken likely only by fanboy. this is not even a matter of money.