
I don't see anything wrong with taking my own food into a cinema, what's on offer is of such low quality and so vastly overpriced, (usually treble or quadruple the price you'd pay in a supermarket usually within a mile and often within the same site) add to that the smell and noise that's produced whilst eating that

That's what I do, I was once stopped at the ticket office because my 2 litre bottle with water in it was sticking out of my jacket pocket, fortunately it was less than half full so I smiled, gulped it down, smiled at the guy again, walked over to the water fountain and refilled it. I now either make sure its better

I don't see anything wrong with taking my own food into a cinema, what's on offer is of such low quality and so vastly overpriced, (usually treble or quadruple the price you'd pay in a supermarket usually within a mile and often within the same site) add to that the smell and noise that's produced whilst eating that

Twenty five years ago I was up near Loch Lomond and found this fantastic stretch of tarmac that looked like a black ribbon had been laid over some of the most beautiful, curving and gently undulating scenery, I contrived an excuse to drop my girlfriend of at the lakeside whilst I backtracked 10 miles or so to a

I did this last year, in a hire car unfortunately but boy oh boy theres some great roads. I've never seen so many bikers having fun, then meeting up at restaurants to compare notes with their friends. Bella!

Thanks for posting these vids, daft but made me belly laugh, I'm now wishing I had a turbo on my car and if it'd work on my vans turbo diseasel, I'm just going to see how much kazoo's are on amazon.

I'm not being snarky but unless your also allergic to hair conditioner or baking soda and vinegar why would you avoid this "trick" ?

Making a good loving? Bloody auto correct,

Im not sure if your being sarcastic or not but with that logic unicycling is probably safer than both motorcycling and car driving, this graphic would be more useful if it took into account the number of participants in each cause of death.

Touché. Well made point and you saved me doing it.

I'm probably going to get a lot of criticism for this, but here goes anyway, the brother of a friend of mine who worked for many years at a Ford vehicle proving ground in the UK told me not to change the oil filter (and to a lesser extent air filter) when I change the oil in my vehicles and machinery, as it was

You don't save fuel by depressing the clutch down hill, if you ever get to drive a car with a fuel readout try it, with modern computer controled fuel metering its possible to get 999 mpg on the read out if both feet are off all the peddles but probably only 80-100 mpg off you depress the clutch, it may sound

Also I think the announcer says its an 85.

I've never tried it, how much oil do you get from an average baby?

I've posted this before but I'm trying to spread the word, if you hate getting ripped of for over priced cartridge refills but like the convenience, try rinsing thoughly, shaking vigorously to remove excess water, lay blade on absorbent towel whilst brushing teeth then placing razor in a Tupperware beaker with 5 mm of

"Trickle me"? If that's what happend when I shaved I'd see a proctologist, trickling is never good.

"that pressures of modern life and the modern consumer have left designers unafraid to design anything outside of the beige box." Don't you meen afraid?

Be very careful when using flexible fillers I used it once, never again, because its very hard if not almost impossible to rub down, so if you really must use it never put to much on expecting it to be sand-able, it won't be, make sure you get it level with the wall or just a tiny bit lower than he surrounding area,

Probably not, as stainless steel is a lot harder than the metal in a tin can, I still wouldn't do it with my best cutlery though.