
I agree that's the most depressing part. Even in the face of a horrific shooting driven in large part by what is clearly an acceptance of patriarchal norms the MRAs and PUAs and NiceGuy(tm) still come out to say "you know, he has a point."

Women tend to open up to me about stuff like this, and I remember how shocked I was as a young man when most of the women I dated or slept with would tell me about a time someone raped them or tried to rape them. Anecdotal evidence, but compelling because they talked about this horrible crime I never even imagined

Well said. The only thing I take exception to is your calling these two mass murderers men. The confusion is understandable, since physically they appeared to be mature. But otherwise they were both immature, entitled little boys.

Nothing, but Sam's more of the stern uncle who's always telling you to straighten up, conform to the rules and join the service.

Bill Murray is now officially America's cool uncle.

Thanks for the additional info. From the trailer alone, I suspect the Koch brothers and Fox News are probably already prepping a propaganda campaign against this one.

Blecher's co-counsel added: "Donald Sterling a racist? It's so funny you think that..."

Looking at Cicotte in that footage, I wouldn't be surprised if an enhancement showed him taking a smoke break as he wandered around the mound mid-play.

Suey Park can now be cited as an example in the Wikipedia entry for "useful idiot."

Nice article. Brings back a lot of memories. My mom was concerned about D&D when I was 11, but mostly because I was bloody obsessed with it to the exclusion of other "normal" middle school activities. I should ask her what she thinks now that it's spread its geeky tendrils through most of popular culture.

It's definitely jargon-heavy art manifesto babble, making the assumption that reader with the concept of the "male gaze." I suppose what the artist is getting at is that this sexualised doll turns the tables a bit by gazing back at the viewer, but putting it that clearly and simply is anathema to the art community.

His style is consistent, which isn't a quality to be discounted when it comes to unimaginative stylists and magazine editors.

It also appeals to nostalgia for the coked-up, over-slick, worst aspects of the 1980s — a quality that also cannot be discounted when it comes to the same group mentioned above.

It's a more formal arrangement between the parents and selected paps or staff photogs for PR purposes — still kind of gross, but better than the pack of camera-toting foul-mouthed howler monkeys in black graphic tees who invade the park unannounced and scare everyone's kids.

How about we don't watch it at all? Sure, watch your favourite events, check out the fantastic athletes who've trained their whole lives for this. But the lowest-rated opening ceremony ever might send a message to NBC/BBC/CBC/etc, the IOC and Putin that all the spectacle in the world isn't enough to cover up the

The Russians just knows the culinary secret the rest of the Coca Cola dominated world never learned: everything goes better in ass.

They put in a lot of loving attention to detail on that thing. Look at the veins. Those pro-Putin youth camps must be quite interesting.

Thanks for the link. My tween niece is starting to go through body-image issues and I've been looking for resources for her parents to use.

The pre-Photoshop images are beside the point. Everyone knows that just about every photo in Vogue (including those in the ads) are Shooped six ways from Sunday. Everyone also knows what Dunham's real body looks like, crappy tats and all.

No, if you want to make it about something, make it about Little Miss "If you are

You see a bug, Bloomberg and the developers see a feature.

Thanks for this. So many familiar sights. Man, I loved living there during that time.