
I’ll be in my bunk.

Technically, she does have some political and cultural relevance, just not the sort she wants to be associated with. She is a sterling example of the consequences of abstinence only sex education, among other things.

This needs to be pitched to Marvel, stat.

The Mary [Queen of Scots] treatment. I like it.

I’m gay and my pulse just went up at the prospect.

I am normally not fond of them but they look ADORABLE so can’t we give a pass this one time?

Well done, sir or madame. *Imaginary hat tip

Last time I checked Shade Court wasn’t part of the NY uniform court system and Judge Brown can impose whatever rules she wishes.

Because of all the hipster nonsense in the world today, I cannot hear the word “artisanal” without being filled with a Dark Phoenix level rage.

Please keep the new feature; though I humbly suggest that they be classified as “Summary Orders” for purposes of Shade Court jurisprudence. One procedural question, do summary orders without written opinions have precedential effect?

Excuse me, choking down the urge to vomit.

On the one hand is my disdain for the classist pseudo-artistic utopian pretension of Burning Man, on the other is my absolute love of Susan Sarandon.

Is it open to women only or can I hope for a man-date out of this? Possibly a little furtive experimentation (we’ll just see where the night takes us ...)

Why do you torture yourself?!

... um, when you succeed in making them can you please make an extra pair? Asking for a friend.

He is my President. I respect him. I esteem and admire him, as befits the Most Powerful Man in the World. But GDI, when he does stuff like this HE IS JUST PLAIN ADORABLE. Would the secret service let me hug him??

I would watch that!!

Lord, just seeing a photograph of them makes me shudder, Homer Simpson style.

You’re awesome.

I can’t find a .gif that adequately expresses the amount of excitement and joy I feel right now. That’s never happened before.