
@The Faery Goth Mother: 1. The lighthouse is functional, and incoming ships are now in danger of crashing. Bonus: ships are like prey in a can.

@SalutLaMiss...: EVERYONE is confused about that. If Prop 19 passes, there will be a lot of court cases before everything is said and done.

@envirodesigner: I popped in once when Joann's and Michael's stopped carrying the color I needed, but they didn't really have the "mainstream" yarn and I got scared and left. :) Once I'm past the pile of Christmas knitting I have to get done, I might give it another shot.

@envirodesigner: Nope, but I also don't drink (and not for religious reasons). However, I will be voting in favor of Prop 19.

@chatterboxwriting: I like them! And stop apologizing for your shoes! They are perfect. :)

@chatterboxwriting: Yes! Plus (from what I hear, not being married myself) shoe shopping can be one of the most obnoxious details of wedding planning, so congrats on getting it out of the way, and at a ridiculously good price!

You're lying. There's no way babies come out of there.

@LouWhoo: I would agree if I hadn't actually seen people write "yummers."

@LouWhoo: I'm convinced that "yum" is one of the most disingenuous things you can say about food.

It didn't turn up any men in the greater Los Angeles area who list Neil Gaiman, Sarah Vowell, Dave Barry or Harry Potter.

@lollapulizer: He is so awesome. And in addition to being hilarious, I know when I see a long post, I'd better go ahead and grab the tissues.

@Wolfabeast: I'm trying to remember who it was, and I think it was Jacob on televisionwithoutpity who went off on a rant about how Hufflepuffs are hard workers and all the other houses are about trying to get results without doing the hard work. Which sort of makes sense.

@Wandell: Thanks! I thought there might be a niche for really colorful birds nests. So far, not so much. Oh well. I should make some more pins, though. Those sell well.

@Wandell: I do know what you mean, and I certainly don't take offense. :) I'm working on a few bigger necklaces now as Christmas/birthday gifts. They're very in style.

@I Call LOGIC FAIL!: I have a good friend who will call and say, "I'm on my way over" and show up four hours later. It's extremely frustrating.

@Wandell: Hurray! What kind of jewelry will you make?

@PrettyPrettyPrincess: Thanks! I really had never considered it before. I got the shower filter because my hair was gross and then couldn't understand why my skin was so bad. I am ridiculously excited about being able to use "normal" products.

@PrettyPrettyPrincess: As it turns out, the root of my particular problem was the hard water we have here. So when I got a water filter, first my skin got worse, because I was still using lots of salicylic acid on it. But I figured that out and switched to non-acne products! I may still have to switch back to a