
OMG you guys! My skin is clearing up! It's not there yet (it's only been a week), but I look and feel so much better. I feel pretty! I can't tell you the last time that happened.

@notsodarling: I think he wants us to scare him away, though. Or try. His whole schtick is "I can say offensive things and you guys get so mad!" Which, yeah. Why is that funny? I'm not over on Deadspin writing articles about football players cheating all the time not because they can, but because they need constant

This was really cute, until that last part. Then it took a disturbing turn.

@ChkChickBOOM: I agree. Santorum already sounded like a product name, but I went to high school with two O'Donnells. I suspect this won't get any more traction than the cockbib.

@all: Thanks! I'm going to go to the store tomorrow and spend lots of time staring at labels. :)

@Dorilys: It's a little metal ring for holding different parts of jewelry together. For instance, you can use them to attach a clasp to a chain to make a necklace. Stuff like that.

I'm posting this for Sukie: Sea Gangster because she is having technical issues:

@chatterboxwriting: That's a great style. Plus, magnets!

I posted a version of this in GT yesterday, but I wanted to see if there were more opinions now:

@LadyChatterley: Without having read much else about it, this does sound like these guys were probably trying to make a point about freedom of speech. Unfortunately, the easiest way to do that is to be absolutely fucking disgusting. Also, their point was probably "I want attention and you can't throw me in jail for

...saying that Jerry Brown and Barbara Boxer "act like they're permanent residents of a unicorn ranch in fantasy land..."

Ms. Orlean: While I appreciate the sentiment, I'm pretty sure there was NEVER a time when a writer could just write. If I recall, Marco Polo was on a book tour.