i think it's more "turnabout is fair play" that they're laughing over. I wish they'd all cut this shit out, but that's not going to happen, so i'll take the victories where I can...
i think it's more "turnabout is fair play" that they're laughing over. I wish they'd all cut this shit out, but that's not going to happen, so i'll take the victories where I can...
Double post.
stock VZW galaxy nexus here, too, worked for me. but you have to follow the instructions to the letter
and Xerox had it before them.
outfits and cosmetic stuff are fine. I have zero issue with that at all. I may think it sucks when I miss out on one, but it doesn't impede my game.
seriously... icons arranged in a grid pattern. where have i seen that before... oh yeah, hold the windows key on your keyboard and press "D"
yeah, and in the likely event he doesn't finish it in one sitting, i'd have to leave my HD there so he can play. i've actually brought my hd to peoples houses before for rock band, but I don't wanna lose the rest of my saves while a friend finishes up a game.
What happens when it's NOT online features that are being stripped away? What happens when it's missions and items? (Mass Effect 2, Arkham City)
My problem with bundled DLC isn't so much with the resale of games, it's the lending of games between friends. If I go and bring my copy of Arkham City to a friends house to show him, unless he wants to fork over actual cash, he's not going to get any of the catwoman gameplay. If I were to grab a copy of any PS2 game…
Then Kotaku is pretty shoddy in their reporting, as that's not what they said in the least.
"They say "Generated" 1.7 million subscriptions. That does not tell how many that unsubscribed before the free month ended, nor does it tell how many resubscribed."
Funny you should mention that one, my friends had no idea why I was laughing so hard when sarah explains about the flop movie she was in where the phones kill people...
I will watch anything with kristen bell in it. including that awful movie pulse.
whoever designed their color scheme should be fired. from pink, to purple, to another purple, to blue? no red? yellow? green? have they never seen power rangers?
since when did good old fashioned facts get in the way of religious extremism?
I bought a Galaxy Nexus, and grabbed a holster case for it. I hated it and returned it the next day. I got a silicone one instead. I hate it.
First pick: Roboto Clemente
I... loved that game...
I always know because I have a lot of friends who just flat out tell me. I dunno, I guess they tell me because I don't get squeamish over it. I'll look over and see an IM that says "OH HOLY CRAP THESE CRAMPS ARE KILLING ME" and reply "that blows, heat pack not working?"