
On last gen consoles, no, current gen is ok. PC is working with little to no issue. Most of the issues on PC are like random physics bug on rare occasion. I’ve played well over 100 hours with almost no issues. Most of those issues were fixed by the current patch, or were caused by out of date Nvidia Drivers, which upda

I would say it was worth playing, and that I plan at least one more playthrough once more patches are out. It took me 30 hours to get to the end of act 1, where you finally get the splash screen. That is how dense the world is. The thing is, that a lot of the side stories make the world far better than the main

My rig is about 5 years old with a video card upgrade a couple of years back. Ran pretty well once I capped the fps at 30. Did not crash once; there were only a couple of times I had to reload my game because a quest glitched or a vehicle got stuck in the terrain - which is a hell of a lot more polished than a lot of

Making it for so many platforms was silly. They should’ve made it FOR last-gen consoles first and allowed for visual upscaling later. It would’ve been so much better of a launch.

CDPR! You were the chosen one! You were supposed to bring balance to AAA game development, not become just like everyone else!”

Imagine thinking that you’ve got a better idea about demand for trucks than a company that sells hundreds of thousands (if not a million?) per year.

Of course it’s a Trash finale! You think he wouldn’t show up for the end?

I remember the pretty compelling opening credits scene from the previous miniseries, but IIRC the virus gets loose because one tech or security guard realizes what’s been released and instead of being a good soldier and sealing himself in, slips the gate. That could make for a great opening as well.

i’m sure you can find something, somewhere, since you’re probably looking for it.

I’m pretty surprised how good my PC which was a 2016 mid-high build with a hand-me-down 1070 transplanted into it turned out. I did at first glance, sort of hate it. The prologue was a mess and I was really starting to think that I was not going to like it at all. As soon as I got out of the prologue, the whole game

Is it just me, or does Kotaku as a whole have some weird vendetta against CDPR? Like every article has plenty of jabs, shit talking, etc, and its been going on for a while now. I get they promised no crunch, but still had to crunch, then old gen versions came out looking and playing like shit, but it feels like a

I hadn’t thought of this, but it makes total sense. The other Teslas, even if they’re not all great designs, were clearly designed by professional designers. The Cybertruck, on the other hand, was clearly designed by an overconfident amateur who nobody had the guts to say “no” to.

That’s a totally contemporary way to look at it. This character exists in 1870, not 2020. Someone five years out from the war would not be lashing themselves for upholding white supremacy because he wouldn’t see that as a bad thing. I’m not even sure a Confederate soldier would see themselves as a “traitor” either. 

I think seperating the character and the voice actor is necessary. Greg Ellis didn’t write the character, he just provided the performance. And honestly, he did a good job. That should be fair to say even if as human being he is a giant turd apparently.

This is a comfortable ‘wait to play’ for me. I am Definitely interested, but these things will make me wait a couple of months or so:

-Seems like there are a bunch of bugs in the game. They will very likely all be fixed at some point, so might as well wait until then.

-The publisher has been fairly aggressive with

Kotaku: Don’t you guys HAYTE the Cyberpunk 2077 hype?!

Also Kotaku:

I’m in. I am a child of the 80s. I played the hell out of CP2020 and Shadowrun. I always loved this stupid silly genre. CDPR made Witcher 3, which was great. I just got a new gaming PC so I am ready to run the hell out of it. I think a lot of the edge lord controversy is overblown. I am excited to play it

From the reviews I’ve read, it seems like this game is a damn good RPG soured by bugs*. That, combined with the potential for price drops down the line and a general lack of free time currently, makes me think that I’ll probably pick it up around summertime.

I’m very excited and as stated before, can’t wait for the two months of endless hot takes on Cyberpunk to be over. I don’t pay attention to marketing, so i’m just going to play it as the game it is and not the game people envision it as.

Yes. I have a brand-new computer and I’m going to play it there on launch day.

I think I’ve literally played every CDPR game at launch and loved all of them (except for the Witcher Adventure Game, which was just okay). I’m sure it’ll have a lot of bugs and I’ll be annoyed, but I’m down anyway.