
Derail the Marvel machine? I seriously doubt it. A replacement director for this film can and will be found without very much issue. Disney/Marvel won’t let it be an issue, not with what is at stake for the success of these films. I don’t know what he’s doing at the moment in terms of making other films, but for

Manfred does knot need to be so salty. Trout is swimming in the dough thanks to this local endorsement (made in NJ). 

Totally agree, which is why I bought a car without them. Amusingly, there is a vestigial 3rd cup holder between and behind my seats that was for the rear seat passengers in 4 seat MINIs and it’s also next to useless for the driver or passenger with the armrest in the down position, as the armrest makes it hard to

I like “Motor Carriage” because it tells us what it has, not what is missing.

Four doors is two doors too many.

“If it helps any of your carmakers feel less bad about it, you should know we also don’t write Mini in all caps like they want us to, because that’s stupid and screw that.“

I saw it Thursday night with a roughly 3/4s full IMAX screening and most of the audience waited until the very end. Interestingly, a good number of people clapped quietly when the shot of the Pym family’s dust appeared. There were a few gasps too.


I doubt even that would be simple enough for him. It amazes me that he’s gotten as far he has in life, sometimes, and I still occasionally wake up mornings wondering how someone like him is actually president of this, or any, country.

I doubt Trump could even tell you what DNA is short for, or give you a basic description of it if asked on the spot, never mind comprehend any of what you wrote above.

Oh, it’s not an act.

Philadelphia used to have red police vehicles for quite awhile before switching to blue (and then white):


Chump seems to enjoy capitalizing various words in his tweets, seemingly for emphasis. That and his referring to himself in the 3rd person drives me nuts.

I assumed it was the result of a stroke when I started seeing him in TV interviews over the last year.

Medical issue:

Speaking of Wil Wheaton (screenshot of his tweet concerning Harwick below if this link doesn’t show properly):

Also smart to wear eye protection while grinding metal.