
And his mentioning of his golf courses...

Local elections in my little town in the Philadelphia suburbs, we elected a woman (Democrat) as mayor, the first woman to ever hold the position here! The town was incorporated in 1879 so it’s quite a big deal for us.

“The new Dodge Shadow is going to cast a giant shadow across America.”

I saw all of those in front of Thor as well.

If these people have to be told how not to harass women, if they need training on how to behave around women, they have no business being there in the first place.

I’m much more interested in the MCU and its characters in general but I’ve seen all the DCU films in theaters so I’m going to see this one too, but I’m not nearly as excited as I was for Thor: Ragnarok. I did enjoy Wonder Woman immensely, though.

I don’t ever recall seeing a DCU trailer in front of a MCU film before Thor: Ragnarok (and I’ve seen all the MCU films theatrically). Is this new?

If only.

I really think their sex life is barely existant, perhaps not at all since Barron was conceived (assuming Trump is really the father). Trump talks a big game, but I think he’s all talk.

It’s remarkable how many of the commenters here defending the clown-in-chief make so many odd grammatical errors. Almost as if they were non-native English users. Perhaps from a former socialist republic.

One who should never be allowed to drive again.

Pressure and time. That’s all it takes, really. Pressure and time.

Maybe a spin-off!

Mostly spoiler-free, since you haven’t seen the snow, but Robin Wright’s character Claire Underwood (Spacey’s Frank Underwod’s wife) is in a certain situation in show’s storyline where the husband can be written out and the show could go on with her as the main lead. She deserves it, for the actor and the character.

Last November:

She is simply scum, as are her father, her husband and the two older brothers. All human filth.

The Movie Tavern is fine if you want to hang out with friends and eat and drink while a movie is on, but if you actually want to be able to watch the movie without people talking or walking around in front of you, there are better places.

It is beyond absurd that a game that features faster-than-light travel to various solar systems does not have any way of automatically mapping planets once you land on one. The N/S compass is not adequate.