
Praters' longest field goals were made at mile-high stadium, which is a place that's easier to make them. In the snow, it's completely possible he doesn't make it.

Praters' longest field goals were made at mile-high stadium, which is a place that's easier to make them. In the snow, it's completely possible he doesn't make it.

Praters' longest field goals were made at mile-high stadium, which is a place that's easier to make them. In the snow, it's completely possible he doesn't make it.

Praters' longest field goals were made at mile-high stadium, which is a place that's easier to make them. In the snow, it's completely possible he doesn't make it.

If you like going down boring hallways with a story that makes as much sense as a motor-oil sandwich, that's your thing, man.

I've heard horror stories of Cunnillingus-Addiction. He could get Throat-Cancer if he can't find his self-control. I pray for him.

I've heard horror stories of Cunnillingus-Addiction. He could get Throat-Cancer if he can't find his self-control. I pray for him.

If men no longer wanted to kiss vaginas I think all the women would rebel. She really should have told him it was inappropriate when he started.

Sorry for calling you a moron, man. A lot of people have been saying what you said but were completely serious. There really should be a sarcasm button or something.

Yeah, not like they get tested for drugs throughout the season...moron.

Alaska doesn't hate Washington, either.

Alaska doesn't hate Washington, either.


Denver is doing this too, but the media loves to hate the Seahawks so of course they take this narrative.

What does Colin Kaepernick have to do with this?

Only in your wet, silicon-valley scumbag wet-dreams.

He already has a vagina.

You must not be an honest Packers fan, then. Your D is terrible this year and they struggled against it. Cold or not they should have done better. Whoever leaves the victor will be hurting in the morning.

Half a point to a point is a significant change...

Jim Sterling uploaded a video today detailing a big problem with the spawning in this game. I'd post it, but i'm on my phone.