
Cocoon, Presumed Innocent, and maybe my favorite role of his was in a movie nobody probably remembers called Gladiator in the early 90s. He was such an imposing villain. I loved it.

It’s Tactics. 

It’s Tactics. 

It’s snowing as we speak. You lucky bastard.

Ohh Mortadella Mountains. 

Game changer, IMO.

Going onto my third weekend with Dragon Quest Builders 2, with no end in sight. I love it so much.

I started Dragon Quest Builders 2 this week and to say it’s dominated my non-work time would be an understatement. I’m a bit obsessed. I’m already happy that I won’t feel obligated to go to bed before 1:00 am for the next two nights.

Oh, the cocktail possibilities.

Bring back Agent Carter, you cowards. 

Getting back into Bloodborne for the first time since it came out. No shame, I found a great series of walkthrough videos and I’ve enjoyed playing along, finding a ton of new things I missed the first time around.

I’m not British, but I am from Wisconsin and I just assumed everyone did this(?!).

I wouldn’t mind a movie if it had a good writer, but my god the Holland/Walberg casting is a disaster.

It would be enough that it was just a neat reveal we all got to experience together, but Baby Yoda is so much more than that. He is fucking perfect, the star child we must protect at all costs.

Back into Borderlands 3 for the new expansion. Maybe try mayhem modes for the first time.

I had no idea. Thanks!

I was wondering the same for the Famous Amos and butter crunch cookies, the brownie, and the Snyders! 

I would have thought this would go #1 overall.

If they go the anthology route I’d be all for another season. 

How did you like binging the show all at once (with no commercials) rather than waiting week to week, and do you think it affected the pacing of the show for better or worse?

Finally picked up Control this week, so likely that. Also had a lot of fun getting into MH: Iceborne and I’m sure I’ll go for a handful of hunts.