
Totally against Game of Thrones that uses rape as cheap plot points for smutty thrills.

I agree with Bobby Finger. I just ran into a young woman yesterday who explained to me that a male-a teenager!-threatened to commit suicide if she did not go out with him. When she resisted, he tried to kiss her several times against her will.

I’ve been saying that for decades, too. Restaurant or retail experience mandatory by x age. Seems like we’d all be much nicer to each other.

I think I’ll have “I touch myself” by the Divinyls at mine. Now that’s a healthy relationship.

I would totally call the cops on you. Sorry. I’m sure it’s art and everything, but that’s creepy.

How can that hand even belong to him?! It’s like 10 shades lighter than his Flamin’ Hot Cheeto face!

“They said George W had to hire a new chef because the one that Clinton had couldn’t cook TexMex well enough...”

Yep, or taking the jump seat, which would explain ☑ crew ID and ☑ plain clothes. Esp if she was known to the operating crew, they wouldn’t have reason to bar her from the intercom until she actually opened her mouth.

You’ll probably have better luck with those that didn’t vote or protest voted. The ladies I know that voted for him have doubled down on their commitment and are quite pleased with the ridiculous and/or horrendous things he has done so far. ugh.

Expecting black people to be grateful to white people for ending slavery is like asking a woman to be grateful to her rapist for getting up off of her once he’s done.

“To name 5 countries in Africa.”

Come on guys, you must be intelligent people. He only allows press that specifically WON’T or are TOO AFRAID to ask such pointed questions.

tHiS aPe WiLl AtTeSt

As a boy with Ivy League advanced degrees, I can honestly say that slamming into your friends like apes on the playground was really fucking fun.

Yes but now 6 year old girls know they are smarter than a sitting president so that should help for the future.

The only ‘good’ thing that makes Trump a better option than Pence is that Trump is so blatantly odious that it’s easy to get a resistance going. Pence is a rank and file conservative, the kind we know sucks but that we don’t effectively rally against especially if we are so grateful that Trump is gone that we’ll

It wouldn’t surprise me if that was the plan all along: Rather than try to get a man like Pence elected, bring him in on the coattails of the demagogue that the Republican base has begging for for years, let him make all the truly awful legislative decisions they *know* that the country is going to hate, let the

I will never forgive so-called leftists who parroted the alt-right in attacking Hillary Clinton. NEVER. They were so determined to smear her for not being good enough they didn’t even realize they were doing the Nazi’s job for them.

I hope they do “Springtime for Hitler.”

God damn Maria’s smart. Wish she’d hacked the election and gave votes to Hillary in the states she’d need it, if she’s so smart.