Quintin West

The problem here is that Triss is one of the few characters that is portrayed very differently between the books and the games. CD Projekt Red made her way more powerful, sexy, and important to the story in the games vs what you see in the books. All that being said, I bet you this wouldn’t have been an issue in the

Why does everything always have to be dicks and holes with us humans? 

*Tacticool but not PRACTICOOL*

I will literally watch any movie with Paul Rudd in it just because it has Paul Rudd in it. 

The physical context by which the train engine exists and functions doesn’t make any practical sense in the comparison to road vehicles though :/

Came to say this.

I know its petty and has foundations in jealousy, but am I the only one who is tired of seeing anything and everything this guy is tagged in having FORMER NASA ENGINEER tagged before his name? Like I get it, and yeah like I said, I am totally jealous... but also... like, cool it. Ok?

I am a 90's kid.
Monoblock wheels didn’t look cool to me then, and they still don’t look good to me now.

From me, To Lime:

People: We want a track car.

Ahh ok, Thank you!

Weather.com is total garbage. Their site is super slow for me across all platforms, different IP, and different hardware. And they’re never very accurate. 

How come there aren’t more stations around the globe? 

I believe in you. For real. I hope you make more money and I hope you are able to buy one.

But this is America. Gotta be 600 horses or nothin.

Hell yes! No one talks like this but I also believe this would be true. The wagon can certain make its way back into the American market if the auto companies actually tried to market it a little harder. There are PLENTY of sport backs and large sedans around that would make me think people would be fine getting

When do the warranties run out? 100k?

I think you both probably fall a lot closer than you think simply due to how bad humans are at writing out a fully thought out point the first time their fingers hit the keyboard.

You’re right though. Real change doesn’t just focus on the easy to accomplish parts; change to greener tech faster would be one way to go bu

Can we talk about the fact that this poor sap’s download speed was only 6mb/s but had a fantastic 31mb/s for upload?