Quintin West

This is some weird equivalent of “I coulda gone pro.”

Side story I knew this kid who somehow knew this AOL guy, or someone close to him and was always talking about how he was gonna get him to invest in his Social Media/Fitness app. The kid was one of those rich kids who thought they knew everything and liked to push

This video is exactly why I don’t watch most of the car vlog channels. Like one minute of content about the car and hardly any actual video footage of it, followed by a bunch of random shit. Such as a guy describing a car and then not really showing much of the car hes describing even though its like 3 feet from him.

I could see myself Taycan this car for a drive.

I read the headline too quickly and thought it said “If you see amazons robots, give them some feedback” and then I just pictured someone bending down and doing this to the robot:

Does this qualify as the new “Top 10 Cars that Stereotypical Assholes drive” list?

It really bothers me that so many people liked your comment. You offer no objective argument.

Even some of the better brands of foundation are still less than half of the price they’re asking. Technically speaking, they made an automated system that should, in theory, save them money and make their profit margin

I think an accident like this should NEVER warrant charging a guy with a crime when he accidentally murdered his own children. That’s in the poorest taste by any standard. That prosecutor is a massive boner.

I think it makes sense. It’s within range for a lot of folks, not just boomers, who can justify pushing their money a little further for a car that does 0-60 in 3 seconds.

I know people may disagree that it probably won’t be middle-aged white guys who buy these cars across the board, but here in Wisconsin, I am

Am I the only one that feels like the front end on this particular car is comically large in appearance?

But actually.

Fucking. Ugly. That’s what it is. 

As both a professional designer and a home gamer; this is exactly what it’s about.

ECC ram, that 6k screen with accurate color reproduction, 8 cores of server processor that Apple builds their machines to take advantage of...
Most people don’t get that it’s like buying a heavily modified street car to bring on a


Homeboy gettin’ chonky.

Good. Fuck’em.

At least maybe now we can finally have an opportunity to prove to people that we actually went to the fucking moon. 

A lot of idiots are buying them. I know theres at least 4 of them living around me. One even has already modded his; you can hear his blow off valve quite easily. He tried to race me once at a light. I didn’t really want to but I figured it would be a good chance to see how quick he was against my stock Audi S4. Even

They should charge an extra 10 bucks to the people who don’t put a real number in the price field. 

Other options;
1. Make the tunnel smaller so literally only cars can fit.
2. Fill in the whole thing and tear out the street. There’s that overpass like half a block away anyway.
3. Install at least 50 more signs with lasers and alarms. Maybe Fireworks.
4. Install an electromagnet that grabs the truck from above so it

Sorry, I was wayyy too distracted by that bug on the lens...