Cursed Frogurt

Crap, it’s really tempting to jump on that B8 Oled since the input delay is improved over my B6, and it can handle 1080p 120Hz for PC gaming, BUT the one downside of the B6 is low peak brightness for HDR content (looks like you’re wearing sunglasses) and sounds like the B8 also has poor peak brightness :-(

Crap, it’s really tempting to jump on that B8 Oled since the input delay is improved over my B6, and it can handle

Full disclosure: I clicked through to see if there were any new skins that I’d get if I bought the pass.

I still maintain Star Fox Zero was a good game and once you got used to the controls, it actually let you play better than 64.  It was just so short that by the time you got used to the controls, there was nothing left to do.

Thank you Michael for your sincere apology. I was fearful the root would ignore the story once they found out that they had the facts completely wrong.

So their website says $50/computer.  If my computer has three 1TB drives does that mean I can backup all of them for just 50 bucks?  

Good point - but I’d add that a second drive on the same machine is better, but still not a backup strategy.

I’m trying and failing to imagine what it must be like to have this simplistic a view of elections.

It’s so weird that so many people independently decided that MAGA gear and Trump slogans were a great way to intimidate minorities. It couldn’t possibly that all of those people easily understood the messaging behind those things. I’ve been told that would be an unfair interpretation of the facts. So, clearly, they

Too bad they don’t do TV Alex Jones could be in there too. He is on record saying he’s an entertainer for his custody trial.

To clarify, I when I said you didn’t “get” the ending, I meant it as in the definition of “obtaining”, not “understanding”. I missed the part where you said you saw all of the endings, apparently.

What I said about journalists was presumptive and I apologize. 

For everyone second guessing my reaction. I actually read the article.

Because conspiracy theorists don’t blindly follow the leader?

You can question the media, feel that justice favors the rich and turns a blind eye to their crimes, and believe that there’s a problem with sex trafficking that’s being largely ignored by authorities without believing that someone’s collection of

Hey, Mr. Cernovich! Weird you’ve wandered off from Twitter to make an appearance here! Don’t rape anyone while you’re here. Thanks.

What the if the culprit is a white kid “who has an otherwise bright future”?

Not a long history of Republican judges siding with poor criminals.

The number of Dems who haven’t signed the CRA make up only 8 percent of House Democrats. Conversely, if you could convince just 8 percent of House Republicans to sign it, that would be a miracle.

The boards I serve on have a conflict of interest policy. I must disclose any benefit I or a family member would receive from any board action, even if it isn’t financial. And I must recuse myself from any votes.  I’ve done it just because of stock that I own.

What a great article about how someone can have a variety of complex, nuanced—and, most importantly—evolving viewpoints about not just a divisive topic, but all the sexist/misogynistic baggage around that character. Thank you for writing this.

Conservatives have this bizarre fascination with thinking that people can’t be poor because they have something that’s nice. People on welfare can’t really be poor if they have cell phones or refrigerators. That kind of shit. Like, maybe she bought it a long time ago? Maybe someone gave it to her? Maybe she just takes

Strange, I got the update on my Pixel 3 but when I go to the More tab it’s not there.  I even searched for Night Sight in the settings and nothing...