Pvt. Jackass

Kotaku...talking about good web design and user interface?

It isn't an equal choice, however. The term "queer" was always used as a hateful word, but that's where the connotations end. "Tranny," however, is not just hateful, it is also heavily related to the porn industry, which means that the connotations are more than just "someone who has a different gender from their sex."

"Hard Times at Gawker Media"

It is a weird place, you want to honor them, but at the same time you don't want to give into any false correlation. At the same time, I bet if you posted a flier at a local gun range with the same message of "Lets not fire guns today" they would not be pleased.

Rule 63

Now playing

"Seeing as how DMC Devil May Cry failed to beat Devil May Cry 4 in sales I am going to go with no... it isn't better. Numbers don't lie and the people spoke with their wallets, simply enough we want the actual Devil May Cry back and not this shit"

I question "Something he didn't have the last time". It popped up in Order of the Phoenix, but it can't be so common it makes this list.

And for the (straight) ladies, she also has a widowed uncle, who loves Oreos.

That's not even proper recycling... that's just rearranging the thrash in different order and calling it art.


The proper way to refer to him would simply be Mr. Batman. Referring to a guy by his dad's name would usually get you funny looks from locals.

OR it could be someone that WANTS us to think he's from Indonesia/Malaysia/Singapore. Duhn duhn DUHN.

Leto II atreides, the Tyrant...

All I have to say is One punch man

"So EA want to make you feel like their games are a steal."

I didn't know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collective.