Pvt. Jackass

Let nobody forget that Herrington has his very own Figma...

Not potable? Not worth it.
Some guy can probably make a better one in his own room with less than $2000.


Spin-off movie, Charlene's Devils. Oh baby.

Gonna need more than IIRC (Which means you might remember wrongly) and "the devs" talking about it.

Then what evidence do you have that he's lying?

I'm guessing you're a professional psychoanalyst?

Now playing

"... your target is a woman I love."
"I'm not proud of this, but... surely it's better than seeing her killed."
"I won't harm her, I swear. I'm a man of means."

Dishonored, in yet another clever twist, makes the non-lethal route seems to be the worst one. You can kidnap Lady Boyle and deliver her to a man in a boat, who will take her… somewhere. Dishonored has non-lethal options for other targets as well, and while all of them effectively ruin the lives of the very bad people

Mandarin sucked. But not Trevor, Trevor is cool, breh.

Pretty interesting considering that they did the exact opposite for the first 7 episodes of season 3.

So are all the videos on Nick's website.

First reaction?
Wipe out all evidence of Ken Ham's existence and if he's still alive make sure that he's thrown into the deepest darkest hole they can find.

Academy needs to fail. And Harmony Gold needs to stop blocking Macross.


Poor Ubisoft.
Tries to keep the surprise a surprise, shoots itself in the foot.

The Oculus Rift is amazing... It reminds me of something... Something... Death and taxes... Confucius...

What's more sad is that you're replying to a comment that's almost 2 years old.
And double posting.

inb4 word-penis penetrated my ear-vagina without my consent.

I thought you lose it all the moment you join Gawker.