Pvt. Jackass

Money makes people do strange things. Don't be too surprised.

We have a chain called Ninja Burger. Its schtick is being a fastfood chain that sells pork in a Muslim country. Unfortunately that's all it is, the burgers are overpriced and not even half-decent.



Oh boy.

If I were raised by muggers I would probably rat them out at some point.

Time to hook up with Tibetans to strengthen the gene pool.

No Dr. Slump references?
What a waste of my time.

inb4 you can only flirt with him in certain locations and don't have an actual option to romance him.

I don't think it's because it "strayed" from its roots, more like it stayed too true to its roots as most of the complaints are about the humor being juvenile and offensive.

Real time versus Frozen Synapse/Rainbow Six? This is pretty rad, actually.

Mostly people getting their panties in a bunch regarding the gigolo sidemissions.

Heard lots of complaints, ranging from the usual OBJECTIFICATION ones to "the combos are useless".

I'm gonna have to punch you for calling 3D games HD version.
They didn't start the series but they sure as Hell made the games, point being they can handle humor. And the 2D games have completely different stories from the ones Telltale made.

Duke Nukem Forever: Crank 'em jokes past juvenile and up to OFFENSIVE.

I missed the $1 sale.

What is this, amateur hour?


a low-born youth

"Kinder" than euthanasia? People who think that way are fucked up.