Pvt. Jackass

I bought a PS Vita when it launched. Such a pioneer.


Just let him.
Then he'll be the butt of the joke of every single party and will be faulted for people marrying their pillows.

Boarding looks like a pain in the ass.
Riding trains seems like it will be a literal pain in the ass.

Silly Superman.
Lego is made of Krytonite, hence YOU are made of Kryptonite.


The Hell is this supposed to be? Because they look like friggin' graves.

My cousin married a Chinese girl, and one day she just asked me this:
"Why do you like Japan so much?"
I answered that I only like their products. (Food, entertainment, etc)
"Do you know that they're still trying to build an army? Imperialism is still strong in their minds!"

EGADS that is amazing.

I know, I was talking about signing up to confirm how much of the site is real.

You know what? This is the funniest thing: You act exactly how a stereotypical social justice warrior would. Immediately jumping on my comment, bashing me and assuming that I am a white male.

Social justice warriors suck at satire it seems.

Looks real enough, but I'm too afraid to sign up.

Gonna need me sauce on dat.

Japan? No, still America, guys.

I don't think people usually have 2 phones or have a camera handy.
It expires within... 10 seconds I think?