Pvt. Jackass

Hotdog is a skag den, know what I'm sayin'?

Not conceited on this end, I have however worked marketing and PR so I have that going for me.

Now playing

Just because a handful of games slip through the voting system doesnt mean the entire system needs to be reworked.

Unfortunately there is no way to reject these "proposals", as you say. When you vote "no" on a game it simply marks that you are not interested in it and will not ask you again. Now, how would this be censorship, though, this I must know. I simply cannot wrap my head around that.

Steam has been propelling the indie industry for a long while before Greenlight ever went live. 10 years? Try 2. Greenlight launched in 2012 and the indie industry was growing rather well even without Greenlight and VALVe having complete control over what they sell on their store. Hell, most of the best indie games

Trying to be cute?

Praytell, why shouldn't we restrict people's choices?

Would it?

It's not a part of the design, but the system (unless you have a better word here) is designed to function based on the votes. Once the votes are in it's part of what would be the final product, by extension the voters are part of it.

The flaw is, that anybody and everybody can vote for whatever they want, with no restrictions. It means anybody can look at it for 5 seconds, have no idea what the Hell it is and vote for it anyway. Simply put it, it is entirely possible for someone to advertise the game just enough to get people who don't know

So the voters are not part of the system?

I'd give a couple years before people start going "lol gb2diversityhole".

Actually, that's exactly why it's flawed. Do you even understand what flaw means? Do you claim that the electoral system is perfect?

Being "revolutionary" doesn't really excuse it from criticism. As much as I like the idea of it, Greenlight has allowed plenty lousy games and/or software into the Steam store. Hell, the fact that crap like this made its way through Greenlight shows the flaw in the voting system.

Eh except Kerbal Space Program is super-awesome.
But then again I only bought it because I watched someone cast it. So damn amusing.


Jackie Chan in disguise.

No more rat poison?