
Too bad Johnson is a complete idiot and he wouldn’t see the aliens even with the sunglasses on.

Reading isn’t your strong suit is it?

Telling the internet to calm down about a game is like telling your girlfriend they’re acting irrational. 90% of the time you’re just going to have a bad time.

But I don’t think you understand, you see it wasn’t quite as good as I was expecting!!!

*scrolls down list looking for zoolander*

Whoever smelt it delt it! U homo :) jk

Go away, this isn’t gawker. I hope Univision cleans house and takes a squeegee to the scum like you that’s still clinging to the glass.

Sargeras was a Titan, not an Old God.

I’m loving the hints in this expac with the Old Gods and how they may be manipulating the Legion all along.

Except she doesnt have that right if the platform she wants to stream on doesn’t allow that.

She seems nice.

So they can have fun for a couple months and unsub? HOW DARE THEY DO THAT!

Almost like it’s an MMORPG.

So it’s a video game?

If the time was spent having a fun and entertaining time with friends, do you consider that time wasted? I don’t. It’s not like I was going to be taking night classes instead - I’d just be playing some other game and enjoying another “useless time sink”. If you’re playing solo and deriving no joy, then WoW is probably

A few Overwatch fans are speculating that the outage is intentional on Blizzard’s part. As it is August 23rd, and the alleged next Overwatch hero, the hacker Sombra, will be the game’s 23rd hero, a few more paranoid players think today’s DDoS is a highly inconvenient publicity stunt.

I can imagine it now. My son get’s a call in the middle of the night “Dad, Grandpa’s patrolling the neighborhood dressed as Batman again.””Is he at least wearing pants this time?” “No, just his Batman underwear and the cowl.”


I’m gonna guess you already do, but if not, you really need to follow Thomas Nestel on Twitter (@TNestel3)