
Actually, it’s about ethics in dog couture

It would have been 10x better if the hill sloped down.

Hopefully mourning will be disrupted by some tech bros before the next tragedy befalls someone close to me.

I didn’t know de-cluttering was a “thing”. My wife and I are getting ready to move to a house that is about 40% the size of our current home. We’ve been donating, selling, or junking a massive amount of our things. Sometimes it makes me sad to let something go, but the vast majority of the time it feels freaking

Having a vast knowledge of lyrics has brought me to where I am today: Grey Gawker Media Commenter

Ronaldo, fucking GLÓRIA MENINO

So if San Andreas is the perfect replacement-level disaster movie, what are the TAR (thumbs above replacement) values of other disaster movies?

I love to binge watch but I really do miss the ability to talk about shows week to week.

Everyone knows you soak your tampons in vodka, not beer.


I’m just letting you know I won’t be responding to this post.

When asked about his brother creating the Islamic State, Jeb’s response was that “it depends on what the definition of IS IS”.

This should have more stars.

Does goink only have one syllable like yoink? If so, it’s a big time saver.

Agree that it existed before Foley popularized it.

Adding to his bad day online, the age guessing doodad thinks he’s 35.

We might care about your dadbod, but nobody cares about your dadboner.

I made it 30 seconds in before Jimmy Fallon’s ridiculous over enthusiasm became too much for me to handle.

And here you are shame shame shaming. It’s like a shame snake eating its own tail.

I’m pretty sure everything in my bathroom is covered in microshitballs. iPhone? Microshitballs. Toothbrush? Microshitballs. Monogrammed hand towel? Microshitballs.