
Oy, COMT... Poor gene, has been studied to death already and still people come by and beat it with a stick. Every time somebody in psychiatric genetics or biological psychology doesn't know what to analyze next (hey, there's only an entire human genome, vast and complex...) they go and connect the Val/Met polymorphism

@crosis101: This German is curious now...

I don't get the entry about Reagan - at what point in that strip is he different from how he was in reality?

@Yankton: Enough mass will exert a gravitational pull strong enough to keep light from escaping

@BanzaiJoe: Hey, hey, no poo-pooing the P-NAS, please! My first first-author paper was in there, so it has a special place in my heart...

Now playing

@Dwayne Day: The movies also didn't show where people got their food on Empire vessels. But there was definitely a canteen on the Death Star.

@JudasAsparagus: Those are very questionable advertising practices - they never tell you the odds.

@skittlzxl: Unless the Snorks can manage to take the fight into the water just in time, then the tables will be turned and the water will turn - err, blue? - with Smurf blood.

@BioLady: Did you use this kit?:

@Misfit110: Ah...? Haha! Ha, you know, I thought I was being very clever but I totally didn't see the Robocop in there.

@from_the_fjords: "Robocopalypse", like the fabled Southern Pacific native's magical musical instrument of the same name ?

I've said it before but I have to say it again: I can't believe this thing is called 'Robopocalypse' !?!

@Pumhart_von_Steyr: Also, now I have "champagne supernova" playing in my head, but with "warlock teratoma" in the refrain; you should try it, it's fun

Warlock Teratoma, what better name for a...uhm...death metal punk rock goth band ?!

@The_Sporean_Bob: My reverence for Obi-Wan is far too great to think of him in such a context, but for Qui-Gon it seemed the perfect spot.

Winston-'Salem's Lot

@Dex-Starr: I find the smaller Velociraptors much more scary since they are able to fit through the air-ducts of my bunker and are harder to acquire as targets.