Princess Catnip

Terry Richardson is disgusting. If Playboy really wanted to make a statement, they’d stop publishing his photos.

Would I be totally wrong to say that Tom Brady is the Lance Armstrong of football?

It’s OK. It’s fake peacock.

Green. Greeeeeen! Love it.

The cat is dead. Poor kitty.

2. She has a vaguely atlantic/british/south african accent

If only the US had had a wall...

Life ain’t worth livin’ if you can’t get rid of the stink. ;)

This is probably the best advice I’ve read on Lifehacker ever. Ever.

A Christian Louboutin heel.

Who says protesting doesn’t bring results?

This made my day.

“70-year-old male waiters with tuxes and big ol’ aprons”

That’s what my Peter Luger steak sauce is for. :D

Does that mean I can still eat the browning steak in my fridge? ;)

“I’ve been trying to explain this mentality to my mother...”

That’s the only way to do it. In fact, I might even pay you $10 for exactly that!

For some reason the word “orange” sprang to mind. Oh, yeah, Trump’s orange hair!

Apparently, you’ve never heard of the “He needed killin” defense in Texas.

I’ve heard that Peter Luger’s secret is all about getting the freshest meat. So which is it, fresh meat or fancy broiling that makes all the difference?